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The Global Day of Prayer 2006 – Part 2

In just two days (June 4, 2006) millions will gather at selected locations throughout villages, towns and cities in countries worldwide for the Global Day of Prayer (GDOP). The stated mission of the organizers seems simple enough: To call Christians from all nations to unite in repentance and prayer, and to collaborate as God’s instruments for the blessing and healing of the nations.

In many respects the GDOP organizers are correct in what this event will ultimately accomplish but do we really understand what they intend to do. We question the Scriptural validity of their long term goals which are not clearly defined for the average Christian to comprehend. It is not what they say that gives concern but what they do not say that should cause us to have some serious questions about the direction of this global event.

There seem to be a number of goals that differ from the stated mission or maybe these have been part of the larger picture all along.

Bill Laye of the Calgary Sun wrote :

Breaking down barriers

The key aim of the Global Day of Prayer, now in its second year, is breaking down denominational barriers, said event co-director Rev. Murray Dodds.

“The biggest thing I’m seeing out of this is the unity of the church … all different kinds of persuasions of people can all agree of the power of prayer,” said Dodds of the Institute for Global Affairs, an international prayer and worship ministry.

“Secondly, it changes the spiritual climate of where we live and how we operate when we take spiritual responsibility for our country by praying in a blessing of the Lord on us.” [emphases mine]

Here is another from the UK Evangelical Alliance GDOP:

Exciting London prayer event joins Londoners with millions of Christians across the Globe

Christian Churches and organisations (including the Evangelical Alliance, Holy Trinity, Brompton, Premier Radio, and Glory House) have today announced an exciting London Prayer Celebration that will enable Londoners to join with millions of Christians from across the globe as part of the 2006 ‘Global Day of Prayer’. The event takes place between 6.30 – 8.30 on 3 June 2006, at Westminster Chapel in central London.

Unity, Prayer and Transformation will be the key themes of the London celebration. The event aims to capture the Spirit of the Day of Pentecost where the Church was united in prayer and commission across cultural, racial and geographical borders. [emphases mine]

And another from the Atlanta Global Day of Prayer:


You are invited to join Christians from around the Atlanta area on June 4, Pentecost Sunday, on the steps of the Georgia State Capitol, Washington Street side from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm as part of the world’s largest prayer gathering: the Global Day of Prayer. We will join this global movement – which is transforming cities and nations – along with an estimated 200 million people in 175 nations praying with one voice on one day.

The Atlanta event will be based upon Psalm 24 and prayer will be structured around “gates” of the city. The event will be followed by 90 Days of Blessing in which we will reach into the heart of Atlanta and surrounding communities in tangible ways to demonstrate the love of Christ. [emphases mine]

This is from the USA GDOP site:

What is the Global Day of Prayer?

The Global Day of Prayer is a world-wide celebration centered around Pentecost Sunday. The mission of this celebration is to unite the global body of Christ, to seek God for revival, intercede on behalf of our world, and collaborate for the blessing and transformation of our cultures. It is preceded by ten days of prayer (Acts 1:14); celebrated in public venues on Pentecost (Acts 2:1) and followed by “90 Days of Blessing” on communities after Pentecost (Acts 2:42). [emphases mine]

What has been emphasized above are key terms that are found within the current teachings of the Latter Rain movement which is Dominionist theology. So the question then arises, what is the Global Day of Prayer really about?

Here are some excerpts from The Second Reformation: The Global Day of Prayer Part Two by Sarah Leslie:

The Global Day of Prayer appears to be a chief mechanism for launching a “Second Reformation” in Christianity. The GDOP provides a convenient vehicle to transition the church from the old order to a new global order. Rick Warren is quoted as saying at the Global Day of Prayer event, “The first Reformation was about belief; this one’s going to be about behavior.” (www.pastors.com/article.asp?ArtID=8280) [emphasis added] An official press release from Saddleback Church states that if “Christians mobilize to confront the five ‘global giants’ of spiritual emptiness, egocentric leadership, poverty, disease, and lack of education, it could spark a second Reformation.”

Latter Rain leadership has been openly promulgating the necessity for a Second Reformation for well over a decade now. It is sometimes referred to as the New Apostolic Reformation. C. Peter Wagner, Luis Bush, Ralph Neighbour, Ralph Winter, Bill Beckham, Mike Bickle, Lyle Schaller, Todd Bentley, Jim Goll, et al, have all written and spoken about a new reformation. The Latter Rain’s Second Reformation is characterized by a reversal of tenets of the First Reformation. It teaches that revelation can supercede the Word of God, that believers must come under apostolic leadership, and that works are necessary for the Kingdom.

The organizers of the GDOP are moving swiftly to implement their dominionist agenda on an unsuspecting Church that is unable or unwilling to discern the truth; like leading lambs to the slaughter.

For more information on the GDOP and its Latter Rain/Dominionist connections please read these previously posted Herescope articles:

George Otis, Transformation & Spiritual Mapping

Christian Imperialism: Update # 7 The Namibian “Dream”

Christian Imperialism: Update #8 African Formation

Spiritual WAR – fare

Thus saith the Lord God; Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing!…

Because, even because they have seduced my people, saying, Peace; and there was no peace; and one built up a wall, and, lo, others daubed it with untempered mortar: (Ezekiel 13: 3, 10)