The Global Day of Prayer 2006

On Sunday, June 4, 2006, we as Christians are being asked to participate in a global event that we are being told is for the purpose of repentance and prayer to bring healing to the nations. Known as the Global Day of Prayer (GDOP), the organizers through their many networks will attempt to unite millions around the globe to accomplish their stated mission.

Here is information from one of the publicity flyers from the GDOP website explaining their mission in brief:

Pentecost Sunday – 4 JUNE 2006

On 4 June 2006 Christians all over the world will join
hands in a Global Day of Prayer to unite in prayer and to ask
God to bless the nations . . . ‘so that the earth will be filled
with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord’ (Hab 2:14).

There is a simple threefold strategy:

25 May – 3 June: 10 days of repentance and prayer.

4 June: A Global Day of Prayer on Pentecost Sunday.

5 June – 2 September: 90 Days of Blessing where local
communities and youth will take ownership in projects
to transform their city.

We will join the rest of the world and we do not want
you to miss this event !!

The concerns that were expressed last year in the two part series, The Global Day of Prayer – Part One and The Second Reformation: The Global Day of Prayer – Part Two by Sarah Leslie, have not diminished but grow even stronger as we see the role that the GDOP has in the implimentation of the plan to take dominion of the earth for Christ.

Here are some excerpts taken from Part One:

“How can you be against prayer?”

Before proceeding, it is necessary to answer this question. No sincere Christian is “against prayer.” That is a ridiculous and fallacious argument! This report provides Christians with some solid biblical reasons to separate themselves from participating in this specific event.

History and Background

According to the press kit “spin” on numerous Internet websites, the Global Day of Prayer (GDOP) idea came about because of two visions given to Graham Power, a South African businessman and new convert, who envisioned Africa becoming the “Light to the world.”

On March 2001, 45,000 Christians gathered for prayer in Cape Town. The following year eight other towns participated and the event was televised.

Next a strategy was developed to take this “Transformation Africa” globally. There was a small African summit in 2002, and the International Prayer Counsel consultation decided on a course to launch a Global Day of Prayer by 2005.

Following this, on May 1, 2004, there was a larger “Day of Repentance and Prayer for Africa.” Then on May 2, 2004, there was a “Canopy of Prayer” across the continent with a reported 22 million participants.

Pentecost Sunday, May 15, 2005, is referred to as “Stage V: Global Transformation – Every Nation.” It is a plan to bring in a “Greater Pentecost.” Its scope is unprecedented. “The plan is to start praying as the sun rises in New Zealand until the Sun sets in the United States.” GDOP is actually more than a one day event. It is scheduled to happen in three phases:

Phase I: May 6-15 is ten days of organized prayer from the Day of Ascension through Pentecost.

Phase II: The Global Day of Prayer, May 15, 2005.

Phase III: 90 days of Blessing: “community transformations and a compassionate Plan of Action.”

The Global Day of Prayer “process” is scheduled for the next five years until 2010 “in order to build momentum and fill the earth.”

Why the GDOP should concern us

The Global Day of Prayer did not come up on the radar screen until recently, but it was many years in the planning. Sue Conway and I spent several months researching this on the Internet as it developed. The more we delved into it, the more apparent it was to us that this was an event that the organizers truly believe will officially launch the “Kingdom” on earth. The organizers and organizations backing this event are tightly interlocked.

This plan for Kingdom transformation is intended to affect every living person on the face of the earth. There are many disturbing references to dominion as an activity that the church has the right to engage in by whatever means – whether it be psycho-social marketing techniques, collaboration or force. The Word of God (the Gospel) is de-emphasized in favor of spiritual warfare type activities and social action. Marketplace “transformation” is particularly concerning because of the obvious opportunities for exploitation of the poor. Kingdom-building activities will be costly to families, women, children, elderly and infirm.

This article presents a short overview before the event occurs. Internet addresses are provided for those who wish to do more research on this topic in the days and months to come. Some of the links cited are cached. We will make every attempt to make the more obscure material available through the website.

Above all, please stay in the Word of God. Read the old Godly ministers. When somebody comes to you and says, “God is doing a ‘new’ thing,” run back to your Bible as fast as you can.

“I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another, but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.” (Galatians 1:6-9)