Herescope Blog

Ed Silvoso & Transformation Africa

This report is made by Jewel Grewe of Discernment Ministries, who recently visited the continent of Africa on a mission trip along with her husband David and Pastor Anton Bosch. The full text of this report will be in the upcoming Discernment Ministries newsletter (Nov./Dec. 2006) . ____________________________ Report on…

Flee From the Wolf

This is the final in the series of six messages from Pastor Anton Bosch entitled “Spot the Wolf.” Pastor Bosch has just authored a book that will be very helpful to the many believers who have had to flee from churches. It is helpful, practical and biblical. As soon as…

We Couldn’t Have Said It Better…

Check out two new articles that pertain to frequent topics covered at the Herescope blog. “Part 3: Transforming the World by Subverting the Church” By Berit Kjos RELIGION AND WORLD GOVERNMENT: PART 1By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.October 23, 2006 On Being BEREANS The quote for the day comes from Gospel…

Spot the Wolf: Part 5

This is the fifth installment in the on-going series authored by Pastor Anton Bosch pertaining to the exercise of discernment regarding Christian leaders. _________________________ As we have seen in the preceding articles, many of the characteristics of wolves who present themselves as shepherds are manifest in their relationship with the…

“Destroy All Humans”

“Destroy All Humans” is the name of one of rock star Bono’s for-profit business endeavors, a video game played from the perspective of space aliens with the goal to “eradicate feeble humans.” This might be funny if it weren’t for Bono’s other endeavors on the global scene. Bono is a…

The Collective Logo RED

“…Oprah and Bono shared headphones for the launch of Apple’s Red Nano. As the latest brand to get on board with ‘Product (RED)‘, Apple joins Motorola, Armani, Gap, American Express and Converse in the fight against Aids. For every Red iPod purchased, Apple will donate $10 to the Global Fund…

Serving Three Masters

“RED is the new…red. Once a metonymic reference for communism, RED is now one of the hottest signifiers of capitalistic social responsibility (CSR) in the West. The brainchild of Bono and Bobby Shriver, the RED concept is centered on enlisting companies to create special ‘red’ products, a portion of whose…

The RED 3-legged Stool

“Where ONE takes on the bigger, longer-term beast of changing policy and influencing government, (RED) is, I guess, about a more instant kind of gratification.……There are though still 4.3 million Africans without drugs, which is why 100% of (RED) money is going directly to the Global Fund to support the…

Try the Books

J.C. Philpot, in a sermon we have been excerpting in Herescope for the past several days entitled “Trying the Spirits” circa 1844, concludes with a warning about books. Books?! How harmless books must have been in 1844 compared to the open heresies of our postmodern era! Yet, he implores believers…

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