Ed Silvoso & Transformation Africa

This report is made by Jewel Grewe of Discernment Ministries, who recently visited the continent of Africa on a mission trip along with her husband David and Pastor Anton Bosch. The full text of this report will be in the upcoming Discernment Ministries newsletter (Nov./Dec. 2006) .


Report on Transformation Africa Conference

This conference was held in Cape Town and hosted by Graham Power. Graham Power was instrumental in forming the Global Day of Prayer (GDOP), March 2001, as the result of two visions. (See Discernment Ministries newsletters May/June 2005 and July/August 2005).

The launch in South Africa was representing the ‘next phase’ of transformation. Ed Silvoso was spearheading the meeting there as he is doing so world-wide. In actuality, he is engineering social change in the belief that “it is the good works of Christian believers in communities (which embrace ALL peoples of ANY religious persuasion) that will ultimately draw people to God.”

What stood out clearly was that there was no mention of the cross, no sin and no repentance necessary. There also was no mention of the calling by the Holy Spirit – which leads to repentance. That leaves “transformation” devoid of any Biblical foundation – good works is the consequence of our faith and not a condition for salvation!

Dominionism and “territorial warfare” seemed to be the clear teaching presented. Satan is to be “bound through ecumenical prayer activities.” Hence the Global Day of Prayer becomes nothing other than the transformation’s movement to achieve social change.

Yes, the Transformation Africa is a means towards an ‘end.’” That end is not leading folk to Calvary. It is an initiative which serves to promote the goal of those who have become “change agents” to bring in the new paradigm.

Ed Silvoso was leading the meeting on the day I attended. He started out by saying, “Surrender Your Mind to God – all your convictions, pre-suppositions, etc., and tell God to give you back what He wants.”

He proceeded to talk about Hawaii, and someone who led the president of the nation to God – thus establishing the Kingdom there. Then he went on to speak about the “how to do it” of transformation from Elk River, Minnesota. The steps as follows:

1. Embrace a City-wide vision. Move away from the concept of the Local Church to pastoring a city. Think as a marketplace pastor. (He referred to his book, My City, God’s City)
2. Reconcile the pulpit with the market place. One way of doing this is to start by pouring oil on the ground. He mentioned levels of spiritual warfare. (He referred to his book Anointed for Business, page 174)
3. Ministry should be in the Marketplace from Monday – Saturday.
4. Intercede for extraordinary miracles – then you will see miracles in the marketplace.
5. Understand the spiritual jurisdiction of people in authority – God’s ministers.

There were speakers present from Minnesota and Hawaii. They gave examples of how they put these principles into practice in their cities and thus brought about “transformation.” Most of what they said was based on “words” from the Lord (where they heard direct messages from God), visions and strategies. Actually strategy seemed to be key. It is believed that “the transformation of South Africa is going to transform the world.” They said it had to be initiated at strategic points and form a canopy of prayer. The foundation is “repentance” and “reconciliation.” The walls between churches – Catholics, and even political parties, need to come down. The “gates” for “transformation” of the city were identified as: government, education, business, labor, youth, medical, entertainment, community, families. They said to identify a pattern and form leaders of either 1000, 100 or groups of 10.

Interesting words were thrown around:
“Be prepared to be God’s Agent of Change.”
“Are you willing to change your paradigm?”

After several speakers, the audience was asked to stand and raise their hands and say, “I am willing to be your Agent of Change and Transformation. I will change first… all the structures of my paradigm will be swept away.”

The meeting had started out by “emptying” the audience of their convictions and pre-suppositions and now the replacing has started, based on stories from other countries where this “strategy” has “worked.”

Ed Silvoso brought the meeting to a close by giving the following five points and Impartation:

1. You are called to disciple nations.
2. Nations are the marketplace, business, governments.
3. Labor is worship.
4. We are called to take the Kingdom of God to the gates of hell (Marketplace).
5. Eliminating systemic poverty is not our objective – it is the result.

Moment of Impartation. This was the incredible part of this meeting, and really what caused me not to want to attend another session. Years of research and writing passed in front of me as everyone stood and raised their hands to receive the “impartation.” I wondered what was going through the minds of the pastors and leaders who stood in the elegant Lord Charles Hotel, as they raised their hands – open to receive what came next:

“The Angel chose Mary… Holy Spirit came upon her. The Holy Spirit empowered Mary’s womb. Will you let God take your womb? Let Him overshadow you and deposit something you.”

As I ran out of the room in horror, I heard the crowd murmuring, “Overshadow my womb and deposit something in me!”…


To read the rest of this report, check the Discernment Ministries website for the posting of the November/December 2006 newsletter, which should be up in the next day or so.

The Truth

“For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think: but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.” (Romans 12:3)