Herescope Blog

Spot the Wolf: Part 2

Today’s post is part 2 of Pastor Anton Bosch’s series of this title which we began last week 9/19/06. In our current series, we are looking at the warning signs that a spiritual leader could be a wolf and not a shepherd. Last time we mentioned that wolves are savage,…

Getting in S.H.A.P.E. for C.H.U.R.C.H.

With more than 2 billion members, churches have the world’s largest volunteer labor force. “What if half of those volunteers could be mobilized?” Rick Warren said….Church members can be trained to distribute and support HIV/AIDS medications, assist with essential nutrition, give medication education, and more.[Press release, “Rick and Kay Warren…

How to take the S.H.A.P.E.

Just imagine if you knew the serving sweet spot of every member!As an added bonus, a free code is available in the back of Erik’s new book, S.H.A.P.E.: Finding and Fulfilling Your Unique Purpose. Take a sample of the test today by logging onto and enter bookcode pdc19285.( advertisement…

S.H.A.P.E. & the Sweet Spot

“The times in which we live call for fundamental change, not merely incremental change. Millions of people feel called in their souls to the task of global transformation, wanting to be its agents in a monumental shift from a world of fear to a world of love.…“How can we best…

40 Days of S.H.A.P.E.

OK, you have a purpose. Now what? Learn how God wants you to use it! You not only have a purpose, you also have a unique set of skills, talents, experiences… and a heart like no other. It’s your “shape,” the way God made you to fit into his plan.…

Dominionism and Torture

The following post was written by Sarah Leslie, as an addendum to her booklet “Dominionism and the Rise of Christian Imperialism,” posted at the Discernment Ministries website: Historically, dominionism, when it has come to full fruition, has given rise to excesses, abuses, extreme intolerances, persecution and torture. A significant factor…

Spot the Wolf

The following post was received today from Pastor Anton Bosch. This is a subject which he intends to continue in the next few weeks, so we will periodically post his subsequent writings on this topic as they become available. One of the e-mails I get all too frequently and that…

Being “Kept” vs. “Without Becoming Christian”

“When flattery comes before the heart of a hypocrite, he feeds upon it eagerly;but when flattery comes before the heart of a child of God,he often sees under the flattery the cloven foot.”(J.C. Philpot, “The Only Safe Keeping”) Today is the first anniversary of Herescope! Isn’t the above a great…

The Word vs. Emerging Idolatry

It is the power of God’s word which men and devils oppose and hate, as being the only weapon which they really dread. To them the mere ‘letter of the word’ is as straw—and a mere ‘form of godliness’ as rotten wood. Such darts are counted as stubble, and they…

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