Herescope Blog

Collectively Bearing the Sins of the World

The CFR and the Social Gospel: Part 3 “We may legitimately expect that the collective mind of the nation will be equal to the intellectual and administrative tasks involved, especially under the stress of critical social conditions, if the moral qualities required are in sufficient power. What our people lack…

The Emergent Social Gospel

The CFR and the Social Gospel: Part 2 In a recent radio interview posted at , “Seeing the AIDS Crisis Through God’s Eyes,” Rick Warren answered a question about the Social Gospel: “Bob: Let me ask all three of you – there are some who would look at this…

The CFR and the Social Gospel: Part 1

“Our goal has been to put people together who normally won’t even speak to each other. We do not expect all participants in the Summit discussion to agree with all of our Evangelical beliefs. However, the HIV/AIDS pandemic cannot be fought by Evangelicals alone. It will take the cooperation of…

Obama at Saddleback: The New Politics

Major players in the [Democratic] party — including Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Howard Dean — have held and attended conferences in the faith community and met with bishops and religious leaders including Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life, and…

Where Rick Warren’s Disciples Are

Some Possible Answers to Joseph Farah’s Question If you haven’t been following the series of events unfolding on WorldNetDaily go over to these articles and read up on what Rick Warren has been doing. He took a trip to Syria on a global “P.E.A.C.E.” mission and got caught in the…

Erwin McManus: The New Face of Southern Baptist

In order to understand Erwin McManus one must visit some of the many webpages associated with him and his MOSAIC church and ministry. What follows is a whirlwind tour of the various websites where one can learn more about this Southern Baptist pastor. He isn’t just “doing church.” This is…

How to Create an Emergent Movement

“Erwin McManus is unusually qualified to write this book. I first knew him as we pastored churches about a mile apart in the shadow of downtown Dallas. For years he has been a trusted friend and mentor in new ways of understanding God, the church, and spiritual maturity. He is…

Erwin McManus & the Five Elements

Erwin McManus is an emerging church leader, author of The Unstoppable Force, and lead pastor and self-professed “cultural architect” of the Mosaic church in Los Angeles. He believes that the church needs to shape a cultural movement, an apostolic ethos. To create this apostolic ethos he has reinvigorated the five…

A Sermon Not Likely to be Preached

The other day we heard a sermon preached by Pastor Ben Keim. It was such a good sermon that we requested permission to post his sermon notes so we could share it with Herescope blog readers. It isn’t likely that this sermon would be preached in a post-modern neo-evangelical church.…

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