Herescope Blog

The Networking Church

Part 1: NETWORKING FOR TRANSFORMATION P.E.A.C.E. System CountdownP.E.A.C.E. is mobilizing a civilian force of compassion using the worldwide distribution network of local churches.[This announcement used to be posted at] “We have what we call our ‘20/20 vision’—10 million churches with 100 million small groups mobilizing 1 billion disciples for…

Affections Above

Before we continue this series about the global networking of “peace,” PEACE and/or P.E.A.C.E., it seemed like a good idea to stop and take a look at what the Gospel teaching used to be on this subject. The old Gospel teaching separated Heaven distinctly from Earth. Earth is where we…

Networking P.E.A.C.E. – Part 4

Networking to Global Governance “A world consciousness must be developed through which every individual realizes his role as a member of the world community.”* “Don’t let anyone think for a moment that you can run a planet without a head!”– Donald Keys** One of the mantras of the New Age…

Networking P.E.A.C.E. – Part 3

The Occult Roots of Networking “We can turn this thing around but only if we learn to become a whole species by throwing away all the distinctions and calling together the troops.“We can turn this thing around if we remember the future as a collaborative effort. We design our vision…

Networking P.E.A.C.E. – Part 2

The Origins of Networking “We’re at a stage now of pulling it all together. It’s a new religion called ‘networking. . . .”– Donald Keys* “Networks and networking are the structures and processes through which the ideas and values come alive . . . inspired by a vision of a…

Networking P.E.A.C.E.

“Networks are the strategy by which small groups can transform an entire society.”[Marilyn Ferguson, The Aquarian Conspiracy, (J.P. Tarcher, 1980) p. 214] “Thanks to technology, this is the first generation with the capacity to be global Christians. . . . Now we must mobilize them. . . . To move…

Conversations With Satan

“Some have raised the question of whether we can receive valid information from demons themselves. Demons are portrayed in the Bible as being who have personalities and intelligence, and as beings who can and do speak. They are also portrayed as deceivers. It must therefore be concluded that they do…

Bill Gates Fund$ Rick Warren

Bill Gates is funding Rick Warren’s Global P.E.A.C.E. Plan. It seemed evident, but the supporting documentation was missing. The two men have been in the same places at the same time, working on the same things in Africa. So it seemed inevitable that there would be an outpouring of funds.…

Another New Resource

Last August (2006) Herescope ran a series of excerpts from Tamara Hartzell’s online book In the Name of Purpose: Sacrificing Truth at the Altar of Unity. This e-book has been posted at since last summer. Many of you wrote to us that this book had blessed you by opening…

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