Herescope Blog

“Touch It with the Match”

Part 2: The Dopamine-Driven Church “The fake rose petals strewn across the tablecloth gave Milton Hobbs’ booth a romantic aura. He stacked crystal-cut perfume flasks in a pyramid and set out pink candles tied with ribbon. The effect was almost sexy — at least compared with the other booths at…

The Dopamine-Driven Church

Part 1: C’mon God, Light My Fire “There is a generation rising that is hungry to see the power of God evidenced with signs and wonders. The Bible says, according to Hebrews 11:1, that faith is to be accompanied with substance and evidence. This rising generation is not satisfied with…

The Emerging Spiritual Revolution

“It is also important to note the extreme nonrational anti-institutional nature of the Charismatic movement. It is, first and foremost, a movement of the heart over the mind, of personal experience over objective analysis. The very basis of the Charismatic renewal is nonrational and subjective. . . . “As a…

The Plan to Market Transformation

“Every time the Bible is made available through a new technology, there tends to be an awakening. The Protestant Reformation occurred after the invention of the printing press.”–Rick Warren, interview in Business Week, May 23, 2005.[emphasis added] “See, here’s the other reason why I believe a Reformation could happen: every…

A Holy Mafia and Media Army

“If Jesus were literally walking the earth today, I know He would use the media because it has global impact!” –Jill Austin, “HIGH ADVENTURE AWAITS GOD’S MEDIA ARMY AND DREAM TEAM–AS THEY INFILTRATE AND REDEEM OUR CULTURE” “I feel as if the Lord is saying we’re moving into global warfare.…

Early Networks

“Since I first coined the phrase ‘The New Evangelicalism’ at a convocation address at Fuller Theological Seminary ten years ago, the evangelical forces have been welded into an organizational front. First, there is the National Association of Evangelicals which provides articulation for the movement on the denominational level; second, there…

The Warrior Bride

To see the shape of the church to come, click on this link to a 3/30/2007 Elijah List posting: This bride is on testosterone! This gruesome illustration accompanies an advertisement for a Warrior Bride Awaken Conference. The Elijah List is the chief organ of communication for the Latter Rain…

Networking Mission

“The World Christian Movement is not a single organization, but rather a network of organizations working toward the same goal. They use many of the same resources and incorporate the same buzzwords to define and implement their mission.” –Al Dager, “U.S. Center for World Mission,” The World Christian Movement (Sword,…

The Synergy River

Networking the Church: Part 8 “’I set the rivers free for all mankind,’ says that most ancient of mystical writings, the Rig Veda. . . .“Just as we must trust ourselves to the buoyancy of water if we are to swim, we can relax into that flow. . . .…

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