Herescope Blog

The End of Orthodoxy

“. . . Yale theologian Hans Frei sought to move beyond the liberal/conservative impasse of modernity and coined the term generous orthodoxy to describe an understanding of Christianity that contained elements of both liberal and conservative thought. However, he also envisioned an approach to Christian faith that moved beyond the…

Building on the Transformations Foundation

“There Has Been a Megashift in Your Status “Very few people realize that the nature of life on Earth is going through a major change. “We are seeing a megashift in the basic direction of human history. Until our time, the ancient war between good an evil was hardly better…

How to Understand the Bible

In the context of talking about how to discern heresy, it seems like a detour to be talking about “how to understand the Bible.” But Anton Bosch, in this second part of his series “How to Discern,” has recognized a key area where saints veer off into error. How do…

Herescope 2 years old

Herescope celebrates its two-year anniversary on September 15th. The Discernment Research Group began several years ago as a group of discernment and apologetic researchers and writers coalesced who were observing the heresies coming via what is called The New Apostolic Reformation. Discernment Ministries, Inc. has been monitoring and exposing the…

How to Smell a Rat

To complete the series of articles we have run over the past few months called “Contentiously Contending,” Anton Bosch is now writing on the topic of how to discern. Today’s post is the first in this segment. A toddler will eat anything. It does not matter if it is nutritious…

Transforming the World Within

In this day of evangelical fervor over changing the outward world, which is called “transformation,” the truth of the Gospel — the transformation of the inner man — is neglected. This outward focus on dominionism always supplants the inner workings of the Holy Spirit upon the heart and conscience. What…

Emerging Arrogance

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures…

Looking forward 150 years to now

J. C. Philpot’s MEDITATIONS ON VARIOUS IMPORTANT POINTS OF OUR MOST HOLY FAITH was written at a pivotal time in 1800s history when the rumblings of modern science and philosophies were beginning to be felt in the church. We thought our readers would appreciate reading this in the context of…

Redemptive Analogies

The Doctrines of Dominionism: Part 10 “And yet all brings glory to God in its own special way, and that’s true of human beings and cultures as well. . . . God is now calling forth from among the indigenous communities of the world that good deposit which He has…

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