Rethinking and Reinventing

“Imagine a busy street crowded with people. A young man has gathered a crowd in a corner of the local market. Someone shouts out, ‘What’s your plan? What’s your message?'”

He responds, ‘Change your way of thinking.'”

–Brian McLaren, The Secret Message of Jesus (W Publishing Group, 2006), p. 14 [emphasis added].

In a new article posted online, “Mysticiam & Global Mind Change,” Berit Kjos, expert researcher and writer on the New Age/New World Order, has compiled a series of quotations on re-thinking the future. Re-thinking is a strategy for creating “more experiential religion, an end to ‘separatism,’ and an inclusive oneness” that fulfills the utopian vision of an “earthly ‘Kingdom of God,'” says Kjos.

Interestingly, immediately after the quotation from Brian McLaren, Emergent church leader, cited above, he continues with his paraphrase of Jesus’s words:

‘The kingdom of God is available to all. Believe this good news! The empire of God is now available to all!’

“The kingdom of God, the empire of God? What could Jesus mean by this? One thing is sure: he did not mean what many – perhaps most – people today think he meant. He did not mean ‘heaven after you die.’ Maybe the meaning would be clearer if we paraphrased it like this: ‘You’re all preoccupied with the oppressive empire of Caesar and the oppressed kingdom of Israel. You’re missing the point: the kingdom of God is here now, available to all! This is the reality that matters most. Believe this good news and follow me!'” (Ibid, p. 14) [emphasis added]

On page 18 McLaren refers to this as a “revolutionary political agenda.”

Kjos discusses several old Herescope posts that documented the early integration activities between evangelical and New Age leaders, especially including noted Theosophist Willis Harman, whose passion in life became the transformation of the human mind and consciousness. One of Harman’s goals was to create an alternative future for planet earth.

In this context, Kjos reports on a Re-think Conference planned for January 2008:

Scheduled for January 2008, the upcoming Re-think Conference shows the latest phase of this unholy quest for unity in diversity. Considering its team of speakers, it will surely encourage more dialogue, compromise, and fuzzy convictions. Visionaries will establish new norms for “positive thinking” and feel-good relationships while closing the door to the old “divisive” truths.

The list of speakers could hardly be more diverse — or influential:

  • Robert Schuller (co-host). Founding pastor of the Crystal Cathedral.
  • Erwin McManus (co-host). Lead pastor and “Cultural Architect” of Mosaic and author of The Barbarian Way — “whose primary focus is to serve the post-modern, post-Western, and post-Christian world.”
  • Rupert Murdoch. The controlling shareholder and chairman of News Corporation.
  • Kay Warren. Wife of Pastor Rick Warren.
  • Larry King. Internationally-known broadcaster and author.
  • Lee Strobel. Author of The Case for Christ and The Case for Faith.
  • Chuck Colson. Founder of Prison Fellowship.
  • George Barna. Founder of the Barna Group and Good News Holdings. Author of Revolution, Think Like Jesus, The Power of Vision, and Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions.
  • Former president George H. W. Bush who previously served as UN Ambassador and Ambassador to China. When introducing his version of our current US/UNESCO education system in 1991, he said, “Nations that stick to stale old notions and ideologies [Biblical Truth and values?] will falter and fail. So I’m here today to say, America will move forward…. New schools for a new world…. Re-invent–literally start from scratch and reinvent the American school….” [See HERE for full article]

The Rethink Conference website explains what is meant by the term “rethink.” It has to do with alternative futures:

Why Rethink?

This is not yesterday’s world; this world is now–and now just changed.

“‘We need to know where things are going so we can get there first.‘ Erwin McManus

“How do you stay on the cutting edge in a world that’s ever-changing, particularly when the culture around you reinvents itself quicker than a mouse-click? You need to rethink.

  • rethink… is about getting into the minds of the most influential thinkers, innovators and leaders.
  • rethink… is about being on the cutting edge of ideas about our ever-changing world.
  • rethink… is about discussing and brainstorming in high-energy Rethink TanksTM.
  • rethink… about taking home fresh perspectives and new directions for your work, your ministry and your life”

Interestingly, ex-New Ager Warren Smith has noticed this same “re-think” agenda, and he has connected it not just to a false kingdom, but also a false “king” — a “Christ” that has been re-imagined and reinvented. In the introduction to his book Reinventing Jesus Christ, he wrote:

“There is an amazing thing happening in the land. Jesus Christ is being ‘reinvented’ in front of our own eyes and hardly anyone seems to notice of care. ‘Reinvented’ is a term now being popularly used to describe the transformation of something from one form into a thing uniquely different. . . .

“[T] architects and promoters of a ‘new gospel’ and new ‘Christ’ are audaciously ignoring God’s Word. They are inventing a ‘Christ’ of antichrist proportions.” (p. 7)

The fact that Robert Schuller’s Crystal Cathedral is hosting this Rethink conference is particularly relevant in light of his close association with Rick Warren, a relationship discussed in detail in Warren Smith’s book Deceived On Purpose. Kay Warren is one of the “Leading Inflencers” invited to make a presentation at the conference. Note that many Emergent/Emerging church leaders, such as Erwin McManus (quoted above) are also presenting.

This Rethink Conference is aptly named. It represents a major convocation of “Leading Influencers” among various camps of neoevangelicals — all of whom are jointly launching the next “revolution” in “re-thinking” doctrine, building a “kingdom,” “reinventing Jesus Christ,” and creating an alternative future.

As Barbara Marx Hubbard’s “Christ” said, in her Theosophical treatise about creating an alternative future, The Revelation* (Nataraj, 1995),

“Armageddon is, dearly beloved, the dreadful script which you and I rewrite now.” (p. 204) [emphasis added]

The Truth:

“Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know now when the time is.” (Mark 13:33)

*[For more information on this topic, see Chapter 8, “The Armageddon Alternative” and its update posted at]