Herescope Blog

Dumping Sola Scriptura

“In the actual practices of the Evangelical community in North America, there is an over-commitment to Scripture in a way that is false, irrational, and harmful to the cause of Christ. . . . And it has produced a mean-spiritedness among the over-committed that is a grotesque and often ignorant…

Rethinking P.E.A.C.E. – Loving God and Neighbor Together

Is this the “Emergent Moment”?Is this this tipping point, the time for us to really have an impact on the future of the church? It sure seems so. The interest continues to build, and the pressures continue to mount. The cries of “Heresy!” continue to come from one side of…

Marianne Williamson: Moonbeams, Miracles & Magic

“Suggesting anything close to the idea that love might actually be the Answer, we’re swatted down like a fly by our contemporary thought police. We’re told how naive we are, how silly we’re being, how unsophisticated our analysis of the world situation is. ‘She’s a nut! She’s New Age! He’s…

What is “Rethinking”?

“True perception is the means by which the world is saved from sin,for sin does not exist.And it is this that true perception sees.” –A Course in Miracles, Manual for Teachers (Foundation for Inner Peace, 1992) p. 85 [emphasis added] In his November 9 Herescope article entitled, “‘Oprah and Friends’…

“Oprah and Friends” To Teach Course on New Age Christ

By Warren Smith Oprah Winfrey will be letting out all the stops on her XM Satellite Radio program this coming year. Beginning January 1, 2008, “Oprah & Friends” will offer a year-long course on the New Age teachings of A Course in Miracles.1 A lesson a day throughout the year…

Good Intentions

If It Looks So Good . . . How Can It Be Deception? Part 2 By Barbara Wilhelm Aren’t good intentions and a sincere, heartfelt desire to honor and please God enough of a safeguard to keep us from deception and sin? If God sees that our intentions are good…


Special POMEGRANATE Anointing oil from CHUCK PIERCE. . . I’ve told many of our readers, that “oil is oil.” The Bible just teaches that we should anoint one another with oil. HOWEVER, having said that, we enjoy making specially fragrant and specially prophetic-meaning oils available to you for your ministry…

Reinventing Rethinking

Update to the Rethinking Culture post earlier today: We happened upon the original Robert Schuller Rethink Conference materials that were posted a few months ago and noticed that the wording has changed in a way that sheds new light on the previous post that we put up earlier today (see…

Rethinking Culture

“These culture pioneers know what is center-stage in our culture right now and also what is breaking on the horizon,” says Rethink Conference executive director Bill Dallas. “This conference will confront outdated and pre-conceived ideas, offer new perspectives and open our minds to all kinds of possibilities that connect us…

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