Herescope Blog

Creating Heaven on Earth

“‘At no point do the resurrection narratives in the four Gospels say, “Jesus has been raised, therefore we are all going to heaven.” It says that Christ is coming here, to join together the heavens and the Earth in an act of new creation.'” —N.T. Wright, “Christians Wrong About Heaven,…

The Gospel of the Kingdom

“Like Joseph, God’s put a dream in the heart of many Christians who have spent years being prepared for strategic influence in society. There are hundred-million dollar deals-in-the-making, righteous officials trying to get elected, musicians waiting to be discovered, books that need to be published, and scientific discoveries about to…

The new “do good” gospel

“The future of the world lies in religious pluralism.” —Rick Warren, “Pastor Argues Faith is Missing Link,” by Maria Kefala, 2/5/08 Rick Warren’s idea of religious pluralism is taking the evangelical church onto the international scene as a major player in global affairs. As the church becomes a global activist…

God is Downloading New Strategies?

Below is a compilation of diverse voices from the evangelical community that are calling for great change, a paradigm shift, a tipping point, a transformation, etc. required to build the kingdom of God on earth, i.e. dominionism. So many of these “prophecies” or predictions carry the implication that God Himself…

Save to the Uttermost

“Wherefore He is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them.”–Hebrews 7:25 We have been covering the many heresies found in the curricula called A Course in Miracles the past few months. We’ve noted that the…

God’s Relationship to Everything

With Lesson 29 you begin to appreciate the ubiquity of God: the notion that He is everywhere and is in everything. As you bring more love to everything you do, you begin to see the love that is everywhere. If God is in everything you see, then every aspect of…

News of Interest

Regular readers of Herescope will want to know about the following items of interest: WARREN SMITH at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa last week Listen to Warren Smith’s talk on The New Age and The Emerging Church at the the Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa last week online here. Simply click on…

Rick Warren & Brian McLaren at DAVOS

Davos Surprise: Rick Warren The biggest surprise of Davos so far for me? Rick Warren. Being a cosmopolitan atheist type, I’d heard of him, of course, but thought he was, well, author of a bestselling self-help book and pastor of a megachurch somewhere. What I didn’t realise was that he’s…

How to “Conquer the 7 Spheres”

Q: How can this and the next generation conquer the seven spheres? What can this generation do? For this generation presently, it’s one of the most exciting generations. They’re about 26 and below. Some call them the “media” generation, or the “millennial” generation, or they call them “y” generation, but…

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