Herescope Blog

Seven Spheres of Influence

The 3rd Annual Restore America Conference will address more than 2000 registrants and will focus around the Seven Spheres of Influence that shape and manage our communities and our nation’s culture. – Promotion for The Restore America Conference scheduled for 2/28/08 [emphasis added] Kingdom Government of GodThe government of God…

Sickles Ready to Reap Nations

Sickles are Swinging Over the Nations For 2008, prophetically, I hear “sickles.” They are swinging over nations, and they are set to reap. But what will the harvest be–national revival or national judgment? The Bible (see Revelation 14:14; Joel 3:13) speaks of two types of sickles. One is a sickle…

It’s All Happening at the ZOO

“Concentrate on the positive.If you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and take him into your life,you’ll never have to worry about the devil.” Robert SchullerDiscover Your Possibilities (p. 61) “It helps to know that Satan is entirely predictable.” Rick WarrenThe Purpose-Driven Life (p. 203) “Be sober, be vigilant; because…

Happy New Year from the New Age “Christ”!

UPDATE on Oprah Winfrey, Marianne Williamsonand A Course in Miracles* “Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world,according to the prince of the power of the air,the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:”(Ephesians 2:2) “For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus,whom…

2008: The year of the “Great Shift”?

Below is a selected list of New Year “prophecies,” messages and conferences from the New Apostolic Reformation leaders in the evangelical world. You will notice the strong Dominionism themes which call for the transformation of culture and nations, bringing heaven to earth, perfecting the Bride of Christ on earth, training…

Shepherds Abiding in the Field

“And there were in the same country shepherdsabiding in the field,keeping watch over their flock by night.”(Luke 2:8) The shepherds to whom the Lord’s Angel appeared announcing the birth of our Saviour were engaged in a most humble occupation. They were keeping watch over their flock by night, a serious…

Oprah Winfrey and Marianne Williamson: Reflections on their New Age Christ

“. . . [W]e urge people to consciously create. . . a world without deception, without hidden agendas, without back door dealings, or under the table manipulations, or behind the scenes maneuverings, or out of sight agreements, or between the lines understandings, or anything that is not totally transparent. A…

Missing Link & Puff Pieces

Puff PiecesRick Warren has turned into his own apologist in the latest public relations campaign to undo some of the purported damage done by his critics. One can read the first two of a 3-part series at WorldNetDaily here and here. Strangely, he seems to be calling Rev. Robert Schuller’s…

Rethinking Eschatology: Dominionists on the Move

Does it matter what we believe about the “end times?” It does only if we have to live through them. Is cultural restoration through the workplace inconsistent with Matthew 24 and the book of Revelation? If the Great Tribulation is in our future, why does it matter what happens in…

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