Herescope Blog

Prodigious Sottishness

pro⋅di⋅gious – adj. [pruh-dij-uhs]1. extraordinary in size, amount, extent, degree, force, etc.2. wonderful or marvelous.3. abnormal; monstrous.4. Obs. ominous.[1] sot⋅tish⋅ness, noun [sot-ish-ness]1. stupefied with or as if with drink; drunken.2. given to excessive drinking.3. pertaining to or befitting a sot.[2] Part 4: Preparations for Sufferings God will “admonish the world,…

Unanticipated Benefits of Sufferings

Part 3: Preparations for Sufferings “We must tell people what we have learned. . . that no darkness can keep out God’s marvelous light. They will believe us, because we’ve been here.” – Betsie ten Boom[1] “It is one of the greatest wonders in the world, how the church subsists…

Are You Prepared?

Part 2: Preparations for Sufferings “Wrong ideas about God are not only the fountain from which the polluted waters of idolatry flow; they are themselves idolatrous. The idolater simply imagines things about God and acts as if they were true. “Perverted notions about God soon rot the religion in which…

Preparations for Sufferings

“[W]here are they that sincerely resolve and prepare to be followers of them who through faith and patience ‘inherit the promises’ (Hebrews 6:12) or take them for an ‘example of suffering, affliction, and of patience’ (James 5:10)?” [1]* The Discernment Research Group has been publishing warnings about heresies and the…

The Manhattan Declaration:

Another Dominionist Covenant Although I obviously agree with the document’s opposition to same-sex marriage, abortion, and other key moral problems threatening our culture, the document falls far short of identifying the one true and ultimate remedy for all of humanity’s moral ills: the gospel. The gospel is barely mentioned in…

The Two Trees

He sent His Word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. (Psalm 107:20) Meditation that is not founded upon the Word of God, like a labyrinth, is a maze that ultimately ends up in futility, going nowhere but endless spirals. Those who have practiced Eastern-style meditation, with its…

Understanding “Transformation”

For those who want to understand the history of the “transformation” of the evangelical church these past 3-4 decades, one book that is “must reading” is Charlotte Iserbyt’s massive historical documentary titled the deliberate dumbing down of america: A Chronological Paper Trail (Conscience Press, 1999). Ostensibly the book is about…

New Website!

Announcing Pastor Larry DeBruyn’s new website Guarding His Flock Ministries at We are thrilled that Pastor Larry will have this new website to post all of his excellent writings! Be sure to bookmark it! The new website’s lead article this month is: “FEELINGS DRIVEN” CHRISTIANSOn the interface of faith,…

Alchemy and Nanotechnology

Dr. Martin Erdmann, who is part of our Discernment Research Group, is a guest on John Loeffler’s Steel on Steel radio program this weekend. Herescope readers can listen to the interview by using “guest12” as both the login and password. Go to to listen. The interview is described as:…

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