Understanding “Transformation”

For those who want to understand the history of the “transformation” of the evangelical church these past 3-4 decades, one book that is “must reading” is Charlotte Iserbyt’s massive historical documentary titled the deliberate dumbing down of america: A Chronological Paper Trail (Conscience Press, 1999).

Ostensibly the book is about education reform. But the story of education reform interacts at all levels with church reform. The personnel behind the changing way that America educated its children were also the same men who developed modern psychology. These “change agents” saw education/psychology as a means to manipulate the people in order to transform the structures of government, social institutions and culture. Their agenda included changing the church itself. Today we experience within the churches the disastrous results of the multi-generational “deliberate dumbing down” of biblical literacy.

The early leaders had an agenda, and they have nearly accomplished it today. Their plan was a deliberate attempt to alter the family, the church and society. It wasn’t simply an atheistic (or Humanistic) purpose, although that is how it appeared early on. The real purpose for this “deliberate dumbing down” was also to lay the groundwork for a receptiveness to the New Spirituality that we see arising rapidly today.

the deliberate dumbing down of america reveals the METHODS used to deliberately dumb down the populace. These methods are still in use today, but now they are far more sophisticated as men learned more about how the human brain functions, and how easily we, like sheep, can be led astray. Now, with our modern technological devices, these change agents can accomplish in hours what used to take months or years.

The book is one that everyone should have on the shelf as a resource tool. The comprehensive index alone is worth the price of the book. This highly documented historical chronology also gives some very important information behind the current national health care reform movement. Church transformation, health care reform, education reform, welfare reform…. these are all interconnected and part of a larger picture to transform how the world operates.

Right now, before the Christmas holiday, Charlotte Iserbyt is offering this book half price. She writes to us today that

People can buy copies of my 700-page book the deliberate dumbing down of america…A Chronological Paper Trail for half price — soft cover: $20 (includes shipping); hard cover: $30 (includes shipping). (The soft cover book usually sells for $47.00 which includes $7.00 (S&H). The hard cover book usually sells for $54.00 which includes $7.00 [S&H].)

Either send me a check or money order for $20 or $30 made out to 3D Research Co., 519 River Road, Dresden, Maine 04342, or call me at 207-737-4730 and pay with Master or Visa Cards. Leave a message if I’m not in and I”ll get back to you asap. They can also email me to: dumbdown00@yahoo.com. They can also send $20/$30 cash.

I want to get the book into the hands of as many people as possible at this crucial moment in American history… to help Americans understand the history behind what is going on right now in our country. How we got ourselves into this tragic mess… not just the role of educational brainwashing, but political and economic history as well… all in an easy-to–read chronological format.

My supply of the book is dwindling. Of the 15,000 printed in 1999 I have around 800 left. This deal will continue until I am down to a couple of hundred books which I shall keep for posterity. Some used book dealers have it listed at $100-$200!!!!!!!

For those friends of yours who are not familiar with the book tell them to go to http://www.deliberatedumbingdown.com where It is a FREE download. They can then decide if they prefer to have the 600 pages in their lap (for $20) or on the screen.