Herescope Blog

The “Energymatter” Jesus

An Excerpt from Tamara Hartzell’s new online book: “Reimagining” God: Turning the Light off to Look for “Truth” in the Corner of a Dark Round Room Below is a relevant discussion of the “new gospel” taught by Leonard Sweet and other evangelical and New Age leaders. Today’s excerpt is from…

The Mission of Creating “the Third Testament”

as “part of the ‘I AM’ that we are” An excerpt from Tamara Hartzell’s new online book: “Reimagining” God: Turning the Light off to Look for “Truth” in the Corner of a Dark Round Room A few years ago we ran a series of excerpts from Tamara Hartzell’s excellent online…

The Trouble with Transformation

The Trouble with Transformation

Can Evangelicals Have Their Cake and Eat it Too?   Lou Giglio Satire[1] This “common good” must be negotiated in a “Public Square” – a global arena where people share their views. To keep their debates “civil,” they must learn to appreciate pluralism and seek a “common life” compatible with all…

The Significance of Youth-Filled Stadiums

The Significance of Youth-Filled Stadiums

Revisiting the Old Latter Rain Prophecy in Light of Current Events “August 3-5, 2011… I believe God is going to release an awakening on a new breed of healing revivalists who will be anointed, activated and sent back into their campuses and cities. And we will see an uncontainable fire…



Apocalyptic Visitations to the Afterlifeand Visions of the End  By Pastor Larry DeBruyn “For now we see through a glass, darkly;but then face to face:now I know in part;but then shall I know even as also I am known.” The Apostle Paul1 Corinthians 13:12  Perhaps no question intrigues the human…

When the WORD Comes With Power

[W]hen the WORD comes with power,it seizes hold of the heart and conscience.They give way before it and leave a place for it,where it sets up its throneand becomes their Lord and Master. J.C. Philpot* God is essentially invisible. “He dwells in the light which no man can approach unto,…

Postmodern Infiltration

The Neoevangelical Heretical Idea A number of years ago there was a joke circulating that went like this: Q: How can a man avoid falling hair?  A: Jump out of the way!  This is also a formula for avoiding heresy. One must “jump out of the way” whenever it comes…

A Depression Christmas

By Paul T. Huling, Sr. Soon after Dad died, I went through his desk drawers and found a letter that he’d had filed away since 1934. The letter was about hope. Hope and Christmas. Christmas day 1933 was cold and rainy. My family had exchanged our Christmas gifts, eaten our…

2012: New Agers & Mayan Prophecies

2012: New Agers & Mayan Prophecies

Planetary Doomsday or Birth Day?  Exhibit A: Ceremony by Mayan Sages, 12-6-12* [Jose] Arguelles claims that Cortez was in reality the wicked ancient Mexican Tezcatlipoca in disguise. In The Mayan Factor, Arguelles writes that hell on Earth began when Christianity became the predominant religion, and when the ancients turned away…

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