Herescope Blog

PSEUDO-MISSION: Syncretism Ethics & Moral Facades

“By putting the issues of poverty and social justice atop his agenda, Warren would like to cross religious and political fissures. ‘I’m a bridge builder, not a divider,’ he says. Last summer, working with Bono and his antipoverty group, DATA, Warren called upon his network of pastors to urge President…

PSEUDO-MISSION: The Road to Syncretism

“And that’s what God is doing today, He’s calling people out of the world for His name, whether they come from the Muslim world, or the Buddhist world, or the Christian world or the non-believing world, they are members of the Body of Christ because they’ve been called by God.…

PSEUDO-MISSION: A “one size fits all” social gospel

“Have you met with the Pope?“Not yet, but I hope so. That would be my prayer. You know one of the greatest thrills of my life is when Pope John Paul II died, the CNN reported than [sic] on his nightstand was a copy of the “Purpose Drive Life” in…

PSEUDO-MISSION: Rick Warren’s 3-legged Church

“There are five giant problems in the world… Spiritual emptiness is the No. 1 problem, egocentric or corrupt leadership is the second biggest problem. No. 3 is poverty. Half the world lives on less than US$2 a day, one billion people live on less than a dollar a day. Fourth…

PSEUDO-MISSION: Barna, Propaganda & Spiritainment

“Those who manipulate the organized habits and opinions of the masses constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of the country…. It remains a fact that in almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or…

PSEUDO-MISSION: Creating A “Social Ethic” Worldview

“Change is an inevitable force that we must deal with in our lives at this time in history if we are to remain viable and relative in the earth today. Change means to take a turn, to put something or someone in place, to take from one resource and make…

PSEUDO-MISSION: Blasphemizing and Social Sciencizing

“Americans’ quest to mold indigenous people into their own image of success was not, of course, a new phenomenon. Missionaries and the Bureau of Indian Affairs had been trying for decades in the United States. Since World War II, social scientists knew that effective psychological warfare operations required in-depth knowledge…

PSEUDO-MISSION: How the Camel Got Its Nose Under the Tent

How did evangelicalism get to the point where its leaders are openly bragging about transforming nations? How did we get to the point where the term “mission” has now been broadened to include marketplace (commerce) and changing the governments of nations? When did “mission” quit meaning evangelism, i.e., sharing the…

The Dialectic of War and P.E.A.C.E.

The ironic thing about the New Apostolic Reformation is that it uses the motifs of both WAR and PEACE to further its ambitions to build a “kingdom of God” on earth. Some leaders put forth the idea of war — a hyper-spiritualized (and potentially real) Joel’s Army that goes out…

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