Herescope Blog

The New Age Preacher and His Influence

“Reverend Norman Vincent Peale is, to many, the most prophetic and moving New Age preacher of the twentieth century. He is also the founder of the self-help movement that formed the groundwork for the Church Growth Movement. Peale formed perhaps the most dramatic and meaningful link between religion and psychology…

A “Divine Convergence”

“God is in the process of preparing the perfect storm. He is orchestrating a divine convergence of multiple streams in the Body of Christ from multiple aspects of His Kingdom. He is bringing them all together in this season. He is raising up ministries that are able to ‘multi-task’ in…

ONE world, ONE faith, ONE plan

One of the most mind-boggling sections in Tamara Hartzell’s new online book In the Name of Purpose: Sacrificing Truth at the Altar of Unity is Chapter 16. It is a must-read for anyone trying to understand Rick Warren’s grandiose Global P.E.A.C.E. Plan: “Together as ONE We Can Change the World”On…

New Spirituality: A portion of the truth?

From the chapter entitled “One Truth,” Many Theologies,” in Tamara Hartzell’s new on-line book In the Name of Purpose: Sacrificing Truth at the Altar of Unity, is a discussion on “A Portion of Truth, Great or Small, Is Found in Every Religious and Philosophical System.” Excerpted with permission: “In every…

Spiritual “Breathing”

The following entry is an excerpt from chapter 6 of In the Name of Purpose: Sacrificing Truth at the Altar of Unity by Tamara Hartzell. This is an in-depth critique of Rick Warren’s promotion of what is called Spiritual Formation: “One way [to ‘pray all the time’] is to use…

“A Whole New Species of Church Is Emerging”

The following post is an excerpt from Chapter 22 of In the Name of Purpose: Sacrificing Truth on the Altar of Unity by Tamara Hartzell. This new on-line book is a comprehensive and in-depth look at the nature of the purpose-driven movement. Chapter 22 is entitled “A Radically Different Kind…


“The first move is to hear from the heart and to think deeply about what you hear. ‘All who have ears to hear,’ Jesus said, ‘let them hear.’ Hearing in this deep way means more than listening: it means thinking, and more than thinking. It means rethinking everything in light…


We could talk about the inclusive tribe of God, for example: in a world of increasing tribalism, continually threatened by intertribal warfare and genocide, God is creating a barrier-breaking tribe that welcomes, appreciates, and links all tribes. This inclusive tribe isn’t an in-group that makes other tribes into out-groups; rather…


“I believe that faith, ethics and morals play an important role in the fight against HIV/AIDS,” Dr. Warren continued. “I am not a scientist, a medical professional or activist. I am a pastor, whose motives are different. I love people, and I have a Savior named Jesus who said, ‘Love…

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