Herescope Blog

Wizard of Theology says “Goodbye Theologians”

Recently C. Peter Wagner, chief “apostle” of the New Apostolic Reformation, wrote a “Guest Commentary” for Ministry Today entitled “Goodbye, Theologians.” In this column he claims that the church today no longer needs theologians because they are part of the “old wineskin.” The new wineskin is, of course, his New…

The Language of Dreams and Idols

Author and pastor Brian McLaren thinks that people’s questions surrounding The Da Vinci Code offer clues to the Jesus people are searching for.“For all the flaws of Dan Brown’s book, I think in some ways he’s suggesting that the dominant religious institutions have created their own caricature of Jesus. And…

The Generic “Jesus as a role model”

One of the most stunning chapters of Tamara Hartzell’s online book In the Name of Purpose: Sacrificing Truth at the Altar of Unity is Chapter 20: “One Divine Life,” Many ‘Little Christs’. In this chapter she sheds considerable light on the currently popular usage of “Jesus Christ” as a role…

Self-centeredness & the Generic “PEACE” Plan

“As a final statement, Dr. Warren’s most striking reminder to those who paid thousands of pesos to personally hear his and Kay’s lecturers: ‘Things don’t change but people do. Always remember that most unhappy people are the self-centered ones.’”(“Words of Wisdom from the Warren couple, Totel V. de Jesus, Manila…

The Generic Global “PEACE” Plan: Part 3: Unity of Purpose

“In his lecture, Dr. [Rick] Warren talked about ‘Stewardship of Influence and Affluence.’ He said any nation can solve its problems if there is cooperation among the Church, the government and the business sectors. He said it’s like a three-legged stool. It won’t stand if one is missing. If only…

The Generic Global “PEACE” Plan: Part 2: World Servers

“Humanity determines the speed of its own evolution and the fulfilling of its own destiny under the Plan.The success of the Plan depends upon the intelligent co-operation of all men and women of goodwill everywhere in the world.“Men of goodwill who co-operate form part of the New Group of World…

The Generic Global “PEACE” Plan: Part 1

In his 2002 book Reinventing Jesus Christ: The New Gospel Warren Smith warned evangelicals that the New Age leaders had come out with a global “peace” plan after the September 11th crisis. This is a theme which Smith further developed in his 2004 book Deceived on Purpose: The New Age…

Ignoring Eschatology

“It is time that the church woke up to its true mission, which is to materialize the kingdom of God on earth, today, here and now.… People are no longer interested in a possible heavenly state or a probable hell. They need to learn that the kingdom is here, and…

“Ambassadors” for “peace”

In his new online updated book Reinventing Jesus Christ: The New Gospel, ex-New Ager Warren Smith discusses the growing deception in the evangelical world regarding New Spirituality. New Spirituality is nothing more than a re-make of old-time occult Theosophy, and certain neoevangelical leaders seem to find common ground with its…

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