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The Generic Global “PEACE” Plan: Part 1

In his 2002 book Reinventing Jesus Christ: The New Gospel Warren Smith warned evangelicals that the New Age leaders had come out with a global “peace” plan after the September 11th crisis. This is a theme which Smith further developed in his 2004 book Deceived on Purpose: The New Age Implications of the Purpose-Driven Church, where he examined Rick Warren’s global P.E.A.C.E. Plan, and expressed concern about its overlapping similarities to the New Age “peace” plan.

Smith expands this theme in much greater detail in the recent Chapter Updates to Reinventing Jesus Christ which are now posted online. Today’s excerpt comes from the Update to Chapter 6. The Update to the original chapter, which described the formation of the Global Renaissance Alliance, reveals that this group has now re-made itself, and has boldly changed its name to the Peace Alliance:


Spiritual Politics
In co-founding the Global Renaissance Alliance – recently renamed the Peace Alliance – Neale Donald Walsch and Marianne Williamson were greatly inspired by a book entitled Spiritual Politics. In fact, both of their enthusiastic endorsements are featured on the front and back covers of this radical 1994 New Age political primer. Neale Donald Walsch’s front cover endorsement reads:

Extraordinary and invaluable…. One of the most important books to appear in the marketplace of ideas in a very long time.(1)

Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson, the co-authors of Spiritual Politics, frankly admit that their book is based on the “ageless wisdom” that has been passed down through the years from ancient occultists to modern-day occultists. McLaughlin and Davidson openly embrace this “ageless wisdom.” The almost encyclopedic New Age teachings of Alice Bailey are referred to throughout their book. Bailey’s teachings were “telepathically” dictated to her by the Tibetan master Djwhal Khul – a spirit guide also known as DK. The spiritual teachings transmitted to Bailey by DK describe the soon coming of a New Age “Christ” and the establishment of a one-world government. The “Christ” described by DK and Bailey is Maitreya – the same Maitreya described by Benjamin Creme and Wayne Peterson. McLaughlin and Davidson dedicate Spiritual Politics “To M and DK”:

To M and DK
and to all the Warriors of the Spirit,
that they may awaken to the fire in their hearts
and hear the inner anthem calling them
to the Great Work

Thus, it is very revealing that Williamson and Walsch have so openly endorsed a book that is steeped in the occultic teachings of Alice Bailey – teachings that proclaim Maitreya, not Jesus, as “the Christ.” Williamson’s back cover endorsement of Spiritual Politics reads:

Bravo to Corinne and Gordon for shining such a bright light on politics in this groundbreaking book! Spiritual Politics gives us the instructional wisdom of the East and West, as well as the practical tools for helping create effective change in the world. I highly recommend it.(3)

But Williamson’s endorsement is very misleading. Spiritual Politics is not based on anything resembling the “wisdom of the West” which most people associate with Christianity. McLaughlin and Davidson are very clear that Spiritual Politics is based on the hidden, “ageless wisdom” of the occult – the occult traditions that originated with Hermes Trismegistus and culminated in the mystical/New Age teachings of Alice Bailey. In Spiritual Politics they write:

For centuries, the Ageless Wisdom in the West was shielded from an unprepared public…. The unveiled truths were handed down only orally by individual teachers to tested disciples or by certain religious groups and secret societies, such as the Kabbalists, Druids, Essenes, Sufis, Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, Freemasons, and others who carefully guarded the teachings down through the centuries. A study of these secret societies would reveal powerful influences on the history of nations….

Over the last hundred years, the Ageless Wisdom has spread widely in the West, beginning with the work of the Russian Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. Her seminal book, The Secret Doctrine, published in 1888, synthesized Christian, Jewish, and Islamic mysticism with the Eastern teachings of Hinduism, Taoism, and Buddhism, showing their common roots and comparing their sacred texts….

The next development came through the teachings of an Englishwoman, Alice Bailey, a former member of the Theosophical Society. In 1919 Bailey was contacted by a Tibetan master, Djwhal Khul, who asked her to write a series of books with him telepathically that would continue Blavatsky’s work. Over a period of thirty years, Bailey received eighteen books from him on the nature of the cosmos and the human being, outlining principles for individual spiritual growth and humanity’s next evolutionary steps. In 1923 Bailey founded Lucis Trust [originally called Lucifer Publishing, ed.] to bring the teachings in her books to the public. A year later she began the Arcane School. The books were written to apply to several levels of consciousness at once and thus can be read by both beginners and advanced students. Her works have been especially helpful to the two of us in our own spiritual growth and have provided much of the inspiration for Spiritual Politics.(4)

Because McLaughlin and Davidson so strongly endorse the Bailey teachings on the politics of a coming New Age “Christ,” the spiritual foundation of the Global Renaissance Alliance became very transparent as Williamson and Walsch both endorsed their book. There is nothing subtle about Spiritual Politics and there is nothing subtle about the “spiritual politics” of Williamson and Walsch and their Global Renaissance Alliance.


The rest of this Update to Chapter 6 notes the “high profile New Age leaders” who have hobnobbed with “well-known politicians” in their spiritual politics plan for “peace.”

Interestingly, Tamara Hartzell, in her new online book In the Name of Purpose: Sacrificing Truth at the Altar of Unity, devotes an entire chapter to this same New Age “peace” plan. Chapter 15 contains many actual excerpts from the writings of Alice Bailey and her spirit guide, Djwhal Khul, the same “DK” referred to above who inspired the writing of Spiritual Politics. These quotations describe the “plan” to create a global “peace” by building a “kingdom” of “world servers.” This Luciferian plan, demonically transmitted to the Theosophists a century ago, bears remarkable resemblance to today’s various “peace” plans.

We excerpt with permission from Hartzell’s commentary and excellent compilation of Theosophical writings:


Our enemies in the Angel of light’s realm have been working long and hard at fulfilling his Plan. They are achieving marked success in enticing the world into his counterfeit kingdom and its (New Age) New Spirituality that appears as “light” and “peace.” As mentioned earlier (see page 86), Alice Bailey (A.A.B.) was approached by the spirit world to detail “the Plan” in writing. These writings are the basis for the descriptions of this counterfeit kingdom “of God” and its Plan to use world service to bring interfaith unity and “peace” to the world. As is to be expected, these enemies commonly twist Scripture after the pattern of the father of lies, who has been twisting God’s Word since the Garden of Eden. Also not surprisingly, their deceptions twist the nature and work of the Lord Jesus Christ and reveal an ongoing hatred for His true followers and Word.

“I [Djwhal Khul] … have a vision of the Plan … Through the cooperation of A.A.B. I put this plan – as far as was possible – before you, calling your attention to the New Group of World Servers.…

“[T]he vision is a vision of group work, of group relationships, of group objectives, and of the group fusion to the larger Whole.” —Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul1

“[T]here is a group of human beings, integrating now … upon whom is laid the burden of leading humanity. They are starting movements that have in them the new vibration, they are saying things that are universal in their tone, they are enunciating principles that are cosmic, they are inclusive and not exclusive, they do not care what terminology a man uses; they insist that a man shall keep his own inner structure of truth to himself and not impose it on any one else … they demonstrate the universal light, they are servers …

“[T]hey are tied by no dogmas or doctrines because they have the word which has come to them in the dark, which they have wrought out for themselves in the strife and stress of their own souls. They meet the need of their fellow men, and theirs is the message of Christ, ‘A new commandment I give you that you love one another.’…

“‘A new commandment I give you’ can be summed up in ‘inclusiveness’, the hallmark of the New Age, the universal spirit, identification, oneness with all your fellowmen.…

“How shall we fit ourselves to meet that requirement, to possess those characteristics which automatically put us into the group of world servers? You will never get there by talking about it … You will get there by doing the next thing correctly.” —Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul (Emphasis added)2

The desire for people to stop talking and debating and just start doing and cooperating facilitates interfaith unity among all beliefs and religions. This is exactly what the spirit world has been working toward. In the name of purpose, people are being lured away from doctrine to focus on relationships.

“He [‘Christ’] emphasized the necessity for cooperation, indicating that if we truly follow the Way, we shall put an end to competition, and substitute for it cooperation.…

“Love, brotherhood, cooperation, service, self-sacrifice, inclusiveness, freedom from doctrine, recognition of divinity – these are the characteristics of the citizen of the kingdom, and these still remain our ideals.” —Alice Bailey (Emphasis added)3

“As the Members of the Hierarchy [spirit realm] approach closer to us, the dream of brotherhood, of fellowship, of world cooperation and of a peace (based upon right human relations) becomes clearer in our minds. As They draw nearer we vision a new and vital world religion, a universal faith, at-one in its basic idealism with the past but different in its mode of expression.” —Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul (Parentheses in the original; emphasis added)

“It is time that the church woke up to its true mission, which is to materialize the kingdom of God on earth, today, here and now.… People are no longer interested in a possible heavenly state or a probable hell. They need to learn that the kingdom is here, and must express itself on earth … The way into that kingdom is the way that Christ trod. It involves the sacrifice of the personal self for the good of the world, and the service of humanity …” —Alice Bailey (Emphasis added)

“Christ died in order to bring to our notice that the way into the kingdom of God was the way of love and of service. He served and loved and wrought miracles, and gathered together the poor and the hungry.” —Alice Bailey (Emphasis added)


The Truth:

“Therefore hearken not ye to your prophets, nor to your diviners, nor to your dreamers, nor to your enchanters, nor to your sorcerers, which speak unto you, saying, Ye shall not serve the king of Babylon.” (Jeremiah 27:9)

In our current era of proliferating, and remarkably coinciding, global “peace” plans — and as we watch a new harlot Babylon unfolding before our very eyes — it is wise to consider the wisdom of Matthew Poole, circa 1600, in his Commentary on the Holy Bible (Hendrickson). Pertaining to this verse, he warned:

It is uncertain whether these words were part of the message which Jeremiah by command from God sent to the kings above mentioned, or the prophet’s words to the Jews; for as those pagan nations had diviners, dreamers, enchanters, and sorcerers, so the Jews had them also, Isaiah 47:12-13: the meaning is, Hearken to none of them that pretend as from God to foretell your escape from this judgment, and not being brought into servitude to the king of Babylon, for you shall serve the king of Babylon. By prophets he means such as pretended to some Divine revelations. By diviners he means soothsayers, of which were several sorts. By dreamers, such as pretend to revelations in their sleep. By enchanters and sorcerers, he means their astrologers, and such as used necromancy, or by any unlawful ways and means pretended to know the mind and will of God. (Vol 2, p. 577)