Herescope Blog

From Which Well Are You Drinking?

From Which Well Are You Drinking? This is the title of a new 44-page booklet that has just been released, subtitled Exposing the Dangers in the Emerging Church Movement. This is the most excellent resource that we have seen on the subject of the Emergent/Emerging Church movement. It is a…

False Hope

Discernment Ministries gets quite a bit of e-mail on today’s topic. Many people are disturbed by the easy-believism “gospel” message that so many churches are teaching. The message of the Cross, and of repentance from sin, and conversion are missing! Today’s post is a brief message by Anton Bosch on…

Leadership Network – Contemplative

“For me, prayer is not separate from daily life. It’s a way of being. It’s like being with Linda for a weekend at the farm. We’re just there with one another. We talk over lunch and dinner, but it doesn’t particularly matter what we say. It’s more about who we…

When the 3 Legs Intertangle. . .

“It’s as if by our … tragic history that we’ve … lost a sense of purpose for life. That’s why it’s so easy to destroy life,” Kagame said in an interview with The Orange County Register. “Grasping the meaning of life … is more relevant for our society than any…

When the 3 Legs Intertwine

“DR. WARREN: These problems are so big, Tim, that everybody’s failed at them. The United Nations has failed, the United States has failed. And the reason why is because we have not worked together on these issues. Last year at Davos I kept hearing people talk about public and private…

Rick Warren & the CFR Revisited

”In fact,” Warren added, ”as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and Oxford Analytica, I might know as much about the Middle East as you.”. . . . . . Now, according to an e-mail from John Mogush, his assistant at Saddleback, his boss was just confused. “Pastor…

The Necessity of a Sound Mind

The Discernment Research Group wishes each one of our readers a blessed new year. We live in perilous times. Times which call for a sound mind. The following is an excerpt from a sermon by J.C. Philpot, preached in 1857, and pertinent to today. For an added blessing follow the…

A Back-Channel for P.E.A.C.E.

“I’m always happy to be a back channel for peace.”Rick Warren, CNN, 12/15/06 [emphasis added] “I will go anywhere in the world if I’m allowed to preach the gospel without hindrance. I’d go to Iran; I’d go to Syria; I’d go to North Korea. A lot of the criticisms have…

The Social Gospel 7.0

“I’m always willing to be a back channel for peace.”[Rick Warren, CNN, 12/15/06) “International peace must become an aspiration, a religion, before it will become a reality.”[Samuel Z. Batten, The New World Order (1919)] The CFR and the Social Gospel: Part 4 The concept of “peace” was re-defined so that…

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