Herescope Blog

The Parable of the Failing Furniture Shop

The following parable is a vivid example of what happens when new methods are substituted for the old standards. There was once a furniture shop located in an industrious community that was well known for its production of fine quality furniture. A group of corporate investors bought the shop. They…


Networking the Church: Part 7 . . . There is a ministry after the five-fold called the ministry of perfection – the Melchisedek Priesthood . . . your children will be moving into the ministries of Perfection . . . coming into that Divine Nature of Jesus Christ . .…

Servant Leaders

We interrupt this series to announce exciting news. Anton Bosch’s new book Building Blocks of the Church: Re-examining the Basics is hot off the press! For those of you who are regular Herescope readers, this is good news indeed. Pastor Bosch’s book couldn’t come at a more timely moment. The…

Apostolic Spheres of Authority

Networking the Church: Part 6 “Recently I was in the city of Charlotte, North Carolina. I was told there are four hundred churches in that city. That is not true. There is one church broken into four hundred pieces. So we should find out how to put the pieces together,…

Militant Apostles

Networking the Church: Part 5 “The emerging apostolic movement will be built on a sharp increase of the apostolic call to serve in the Kingdom. Like an army, this new apostolic company will throw down their nets and rise at the command of the Lord of Hosts. Hearing the call,…

The Return of the Warrior-Prophets

Networking the Church: Part 4 “Prophets are agents of transformation.””The prophetic ministry summons us to battle. . . .”— Hector Torres, The Restoration of the Apostles and Prophets (Thomas Nelson, 2001), p. 46, 43. When the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) talks about re-aligning the Church to the supposed 5-fold ministry…

Networking for an Army

Networking the Church: Part 3 “[Rick] Warren plans to add two additional 40-days programs: The third will be ’40 Days of Vision’ focusing on missional structural renewal.”— Summary of the P.E.A.C.E. Briefing for Mission Agencies, Nov. 06 “I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve heard or read that…


We interrupt this series to present the following excerpt from the writings of J.C. Philpot, entitled “What Is It That Saves A Soul?” Today’s post, hearkening back to the mid 1800s, illustrates the troubles with Rick Warren’s Second Reformation and many other neoevangelical programs, missions and methods. The emphasis in…

The Networking Church: Part 2

Restoration Through Transformation “You need to be aware of the signs of possible spiritual awakening in America. We’ve had two great awakenings in the history of America, and we’re a hundred years over due for the next one. If there is a second Reformation in the Church and a third…

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