Herescope Blog

What is Idolatry?

A reader alerted us to the relevance of the sermon by J.C. Philpot, entitled simply “Idolatry,” to our recent series of posts. A few excerpts are below. To read the sermon in its entirety go to: “For they themselves show of us what manner of entering in we had unto…

Re-Branding Christianity

“Image is everything.”–Tennis pro Andre Agassi, 1992 Canon camera commercial [Cited on p. 197 of No Logo by Naomi Klein (Picador, 2002).] This could be the new slogan for the slick marketing campaigns in neoevangelicaldom today. These campaigns aren’t selling a product, per se. They are selling the image of…

Las “Vegas in a can” Religion

The Dopamine-Driven Church: Part 8 Dopamine Beverage Co. Vegas In A Can! 16NOV2006 16:45 
Published by OrbitalCommanderDopamine Beverage Company is launching a new and exciting product: Dopamine Energy Drink – Vegas in a can! 100% of people who have tasted and compared this drink simply love it! We believe that…


Part 7: The Dopamine-Driven Church Churches can no longer rely on brand loyalty. . . “Religion has become a product just like everything else . . .Churches have to become brands because brands are quick pieces of information that people don’t have to think about but they can identify with.”…

The Goals for Coals

Part 6: The Dopamine-Driven Church “The era of mass marketing is ending.” This death knell was sounded in PyroMarketing (HarperBusiness, 2005, p. 15). New marketing styles like PyroMarketing have the potential to radically transform the marketing industry to a new viral age of advertising. This new-fangled style relies upon the…

What is Your LifeTime Value?

The Dopamine-Driven Church: Part 5 “There is only one valid definition of business purpose: to create a customer. The customer is the foundation of a business and keeps it in existence. He alone gives employment … Because it is the purpose to create a customer, any business enterprise has two,…

Skin Deep Religion or Crucified with Christ?

Below is an excerpt of a sermon by J.C. Philpot, “Crucifixion with Christ,” preached at the North Street Chapel, Stamford, on August 19, 1860. It is a worthy endeavor to read the entire sermon, as it is a blessing of Truth in these dark days. It is based on the…

Customer Evangelists

Part 4: The Dopamine-Driven Church “Do something nice for your-self. Something cool andcreamy. Something rich,smooth and chocolaty.Something that can turn adown day upbeat and makea good day better. A savorevery spoonful indulgencethat’s a perfect end to a per-fect meal or just as satisfyingall by itself. And while youare at it…

40 Days of Shared Emotions

Part 3: The Dopamine-Driven Church EnvyResearch suggests giving preferential treatment to a few generates demand from everyoneBy Robert Weisman, The Boston Globe, April 8, 2007Envy is a powerful force in the human psyche — and a tool to be exploited in marketing.“Consumers clamor for products endorsed by celebrities or people…

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