Herescope Blog


The Consequence of Role-Reversalsin The Shack By Pastor Larry DeBruyn To whom would you liken Me,And make Me equal and compare Me,That we should be alike? . . .For I am God, and there is no other;I am God, and there is no one like Me . . . —Isaiah…

“One World – One Dream”

But what about Truth and Freedom? This is the title of the most recent article posted at Berit Kjos’s website today. This courageous article has explicit references to stories behind the gilded Olympics. Be sure to read this article in its entirety HERE. Note the opening quotation in her…


Matthew 5:8 and the mystic vision of God By Pastor Larry DeBruyn “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.” (Matthew 5:8) If we were to see God, what might deity look like? In a metaphorical borrowing from the imagery of the biblical Tabernacle, The Aquarian Gospel…

God’s Purposes

By Anton Bosch What does the Bible reveal about God’s ultimate purpose in his dealings with mankind? What is the theme that runs from Genesis through Revelation and that transcends both testaments? Some may say it is Jesus Christ. That is true – the whole of Scripture reveals Him. He…

Evangelicals and New Agers

We want to call our readers’ attention to a recent article by Constance Cumbey posted at entitled “‘The Family and its Hijacking of Evangelicalism: Part 1.” This is a must-read article from the Michigan attorney who first brought the “New Age Movement” to the attention of the evangelical world…

God’s Dream = PEACE

A Global Kingdom Dream For years, we’ve dreamed of the day when the three sectors of society: public, private and faith – specifically local churches – could be connected together for the good of a country. In God’s amazing plan and timing, these “three legs of the stool” have come…

God’s Dream?

Forty years ago this year, Martin Luther King sounded a prophetic trumpet to the nation. Echoing the ancient cry uttered by Moses to the oppressive Pharaoh of Egypt, Martin Luther King and 250,000 Black Americans cried out “let my…

Kicking the Kingdom into High Gear

“God has His hand on America to bring our nation back into its proper alignment. A major key to making this happen is the formation of the U.S. Apostolic Alliance. Few have the clear, practical vision and the passion for mobilizing our nation’s apostolic and prophetic leaders, region by region,…

Miracles – Preaching the Gospel = ___?

“This revival has all the elements of all the other false revivals combined and is very powerful in its influence. The revival in Florida is powered by supernatural stories and testimonies and experiences. The stories increasingly stretch ones incredulity – incredible healings, with claims of 20 people already being raised…

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