Herescope Blog

Remember Lot’s Wife

“And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed…

A Still Small Voice

“Contemplative Prayer and the ‘Elijah Experience’of 1 Kings 19:12” By Pastor Larry DeBruyn Elijah’s Mt. Horeb experience, when he heard “a sound of sheer silence” (1 Kings 19:12, NRSV), has stimulated a tradition of desert spirituality which pursues solitude in order to hear the voice of God. Practitioners of lectio…


Evolution or Revolution? By Pastor Larry DeBruyn In recent years, Christendom’s thinkers have offered a smorgasbord of ideas and theories about Jesus, thus begging the question—will the real Jesus please stand up? If one pays attention to the Jesus revisionists, we are left with the impression that nobody really understood…

Willful Ignorance

“Therefore they say unto God, Depart from us;for we desire not the knowledge of thy ways.”(Job 21:14) “Man’s apostasy began in an affectation of forbidden knowledge,but is kept up by an affectation of forbidden ignorance.”– Matthew Henry We live in a time of great apostasy when many choose to ignore…

Universal Reconciliation

The Theological Implications Part 3: THE SHACK and Universal Reconciliation By Pastor Larry DeBruyn Writing from the standpoint of being a one time “theological buddy” of Paul Young, author of The Shack, James De Young notes that the “the most serious error is Paul’s embrace of Universal Reconciliation which lies…

Sin Separates

Part 2: THE SHACK and Universal Reconciliation By Pastor Larry DeBruyn The Christian underpinnings of The Shack make it necessary for the allegory to deal with fallen humanity’s relationship with God, for as the prophet told Judah, “[Y]our iniquities have made a separation between you and your God” (Isaiah 59:2).…

THE SHACK and Universal Reconciliation

Relationship, Rules and Reconciliation[1] By Pastor Larry DeBruyn Reconciliation means a change in “relationship.”[2] The need for reconciliation presupposes estrangement between two parties (Matthew 5:23-24). Whereas they became enemies, two parties become friends again. Often, reconciliation needs to occur between humans, between friends, spouses, races, tribes, and nations. But reconciliation…

The Nanotechnological Transhuman Cyborg

This is the topic of a radio interview! John Loeffler of the Steel On Steel radio program interviewed Dr. Martin Erdmann this week on the topic of the new emergent scientific religion of transhumanism and how it seeks to use nanotechnology to design super humans and super soldiers of the…

Transformation of the Church

CDs are now available from the Transformation of the Church conference held this past weekend, October 10 & 11th, in Niles, Michigan. The conference covered a number of topics that are very current in the transformation of the church movement today. Pastor Jeff Whittaker: His firsthand account of his personal…

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