Herescope Blog

Early Experiential Emergents

“Not only did AA, almost by default, begin to supplant the pastoral authority of the professional clergy and open the door to spirituality in the experiencing of a nondoctrinally specific Higher Power, but it also revived the small group dynamic that would come to characterize later twentieth-century Protestantism….” – Phyllis…

The Emerging Church – Circa 1970

The tasks ahead for Emergent Christianity include: Wresting questions of eternity away from its Greek “timeless” bias. Wresting evolution—the story of life—away from both Literal Creationism and Materialistic Darwinism. Wresting Orthodoxy back from Enlightenment modernity. Wresting Imminence (God in Creation) away from Pantheism (God is creation), as well as Deism…

The Naked Slippery Slope

It doesn’t take much time on the official Miss USA website to see how much the competition is shaped by prurient interests. Unlike the rival Miss America competition, Miss USA doesn’t feature a talent category, where contestants play the piano, sing, or orate. No, the Donald Trump–owned Miss USA pageant…


The Scandal and Malnutrition of Sermons for Sale By Pastor Jeffrey L. Whittaker I remember sitting in a popular restaurant chain with some friends several years ago, when the waitress came to take our order. One of my friends, when asked what kind of dressing he wanted on his salad,…

PyroMarketing Hagiography

“The pastor’s partners at Reader’s Digest aren’t worried about readers being turned off by a Rick Warren overload. On the contrary, they’re counting on his global appeal. “He’s a powerhouse,” says Alston in explaining the publisher’s decision to take on the new title.” — TIME, 3/11/09 hagiography: (noun) A biography…

News Flash!

If you haven’t been over to Constance Cumbey’s blog lately, now is a good time to take a look. She has been posting updates on the latest maneuvers of a false messiah who calls himself “Maitreya.” See her recent posts February 27th and March 1st which discuss an advertising blitz…

False Profits & False Prophets

“We live in extraordinary times. The 21st Century is already shaping up to be a quantum leap from the 20th Century around the globe. We now live in the Second Apostolic Age in which the biblical government of the church has come alive once again. The Holy Spirit has begun…

Manifestos, Declarations and Covenants

Part 2: The New Global Civility We must find a new understanding of our place in public life. We affirm that to be Evangelical and to carry the name of Christ is to seek to be faithful to the freedom, justice, peace, and well-being that are in the heart of…

The New Global Civility

Part 1 “And as we face these difficult days ahead, may we have a new birth of clarity in our aims, responsibility in our actions, humility in our approaches, and civility in our attitudes, even when we differ. “Help us to share, to serve and to seek the common good…

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