Herescope Blog

How “Everything Must Change”

Part 5: Captain McLaren and the SS Emergent A Pastor Reports on Brian McLaren’s “Everything Must Change” Tour By Pastor Jeffrey Whittaker “WE’RE ALL IN THE SAME BOAT” Later that day, a young man rose and asked a question after Brian McLaren shared a “parable” involving people who occupied one…

How “Everything Must Change”

Part 4: SAVED or DEPRAVED? A Pastor Reports on Brian McLaren’s “Everything Must Change” Tour By Pastor Jeffrey Whittaker In light of the preceding observations, one can understand why the preponderance of Scripture quoted by Brian McLaren comes from those places which deal with the ethical and humane treatment of…

How “Everything Must Change”

Part 3: “WHICH JESUS?” A Pastor Reports on Brian McLaren’s “Everything Must Change” Tour By Pastor Jeffrey Whittaker As this session began, the gathering was again led in an opening song to set the mood for the discussion which would follow. The “Hymn of Remorse” went something like this: “We…

How “Everything Must Change”

Part 2: DO WE HAVE BLESSED HOPE?OR ARE WE BLUNDERING DOPES? A Pastor Reports on Brian McLaren’s “Everything Must Change” Tour By Pastor Jeffrey Whittaker Earlier that same morning I was awakened before my alarm went off, and found that I was already praying. There were two principle issues rolling…

Who Gets the Glory for Doing Good?

Is the church supposed to receive a “P.E.A.C.E.” of it? By Pastor Larry DeBruyn [Note: We interrupt Jeffrey Whittaker’s excellent report on his “encounter” experience with Brian McLaren’s “Everything Must Change” tour in order to bring you this very current report.] On, a contention has surfaced between columnist Joseph…

How “Everything Must Change”

A Pastor Reports on Brian McLaren’s “Everything Must Change” Tour Part 1 By Pastor Jeffrey Whittaker [Note to reader: The following is a firsthand account of one pastor’s experience. Due to its length, we have divided it into multiple parts, which we will be posting daily all week, Lord willing.]…

Earth: The Old Story, The New Story

“…[J]ust as your ten biological systems and trillions of cells are unified, integrated, motivated, and guided by the framing story you tell yourself as a person, our societies are unified, integrated, motivated, and driven by the framing stories* we tell ourselves as groups. These stories align the desires of billions…

Nicodemus Leaders

“He Who Came to Jesus By Night” By Anton Bosch We all know the story about Nicodemus who visited Jesus under the cover of darkness in John 3 and to whom Jesus spoke about being born again and to whom Jesus uttered the famous John 3:16. It is interesting to…

Was Paul A Pragmatist?

But the young evangelicals I wrote about share your surprise and dismay with the message you heard from Leadership Network: “Theology just causes people to argue. We don’t do theology.” – Collin Hansen, author of Young, Restless, Reformed: A Journalist’s Journey with the New Calvinists, in a discussion with Tony…

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