Herescope Blog

The New Age Morphing. . .

. . . Into the Church How has the New Age morphed itself over the past 35 years since the public launching of “The Aquarian Conspiracy”? Herescope readers can listen to a Steel on Steel broadcast hosted by John Loeffler on this topic. The following description is posted at…

Was Paul A Mystic?

Part 4 Do you love Paul? Do you struggle with Paul? Do you suffer from Paulophilia or Paulophobia? Some have accused emergents of re-emphasizing Jesus and forgetting about Paul. Well, no more! The 2008 Emergent Theological Conversation, ReClaiming Paul: The Apostle in the Emerging World is now taking registrations. Co-Sponsored…

Was Paul A Mystic?

Part 3 By Pastor Larry DeBruyn Transiency—“Once Upon a Time” By nature, all religious experiences are transient. Circumstances and people vary from day to day. Because they’re rooted in life, and because from day to day situations do not remain the same, our feelings change. Feelings are fleeting, and do…

Was Paul A Mystic?

Part 2 By Pastor Larry DeBruyn Ineffable adj. 1. too overwhelming to be expressed or described in words; inexpressible 2. too awesome or sacred to be spoken* Ineffability—“I Can’t Explain It” Paul experienced unexplainable ecstasy in Paradise. In their seeking after similar divine encounters, Christian mystics identify with Paul and…

Was Paul A Mystic?

Part 1 By Pastor Larry DeBruyn “See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception,according to the tradition of men,according to the elementary principles of the world,rather than according to Christ.” – The Apostle Paul, Colossians 2:8 “Then there were the outright mystics who fell…

Mike Bickle’s Gigolo Jesus

By K. Jentoft IHOP’s Bridal Paradigm Recently I was given a CD of Mike Bickle speaking to a group of youth at IHOP’s Passion for Jesus Conference. Mike is full of zeal and passion as he speaks of the “Bridegroom Jesus” that he has found in the Song of Solomon…

Tinker with Theology, Tinker with Man

“…should we suppose God to have created the nearly universal, vicious, animal-versus-animal world of nature? Indeed, were carnivorous animals originally herbivorous (as is implied in Genesis 1:28,29)? Does the Evil One and his assistants have sufficient knowledge to tinker with the DNA of God’s created order and distort nature to…

Emergent MIND Change

“A new world, as the mystics have always said, is a new mind.” -Marilyn Ferguson, The Aquarian Conspiracy:Personal and Social Transformation in the 1980s(J.P. Tarcher, 1980), p. 36 [emphasis added] “The mystery of the creative/intuitive mind is underscored in the ‘perennial wisdom‘, which finds the deep intuition connected to the…

True Revival

Every true revival is always, and without exception, based on the Word of God; the Bible is the only revealed Truth in the world and, in fact, ever has been; there is not a spiritual problem that is not addressed in the Word; there is not a difficulty for which…

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