The New Age Morphing. . .

. . . Into the Church

How has the New Age morphed itself over the past 35 years since the public launching of “The Aquarian Conspiracy”?

Herescope readers can listen to a Steel on Steel broadcast hosted by John Loeffler on this topic. The following description is posted at

The New Age Morphing

Time to clear the decks for a conference call today. We haven’t done one in a long time so it’s overdue.

Almost thirty years ago Detroit attorney, Constance Cumbey, published a book entitled, /Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow/, warning of a major paradigm shift transforming politics and religion, moving us to a global blend of politics and pantheism, socialism with Christianity.

Many shrugged it off as a passing fad. Today the New Age has not only persisted and flourished, but is embraced by churches from Catholic to Pentecostal. How did so many people — especially pastors — miss the warning?

Our participants today are attorney Constance Cumbey (, Warren Smith, author of The Light the was Dark,[*] Sarah Leslie (, plus Mitch and Machelle Wright.

John’s boralogue frames the entire hour and a half conversation.

Herescope readers can log in to the full recording for free by using the word “herescope” (all lower case) for both login and password when it requests member information.

To read about the history of the several evangelical “Consultations on the Future” referred to in this broadcast click on the archive months of September 2005 and October 2005. This post series begins with the amazing statement that: “Evangelical leaders were meeting together with New Age leaders openly by the late 1970s.”

The Truth:

“And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.” (Romans 13:11)

*link added