Herescope Blog

A Covenant for Civility

A New Order of the Third Way “The promised land, of course, suggests the third dimension of the biblical narrative: the peace-making kingdom celebrated by all the prophets, especially Isaiah. As we considered earlier, the narrative begins with the longing for a literal homeland—first, for Abraham, a home outside the…


“The Evil Eye over Evangelicalism” This is the title of the latest article by Pastor Larry DeBruyn,* just published in the most recent Discernment Ministries newsletter. This is one of Pastor DeBruyn’s best articles. He explains clearly and concisely how the occult-based philosophy known as “New Thought” has come to…

Temptation Tactics

“They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented;”(Hebrews 11:37) Part 15: Preparations for Sufferings As is often the case in our Christian walk, we are our own worst enemies. Our own sins, corruptions…

Discernment CATALOG

We are pleased to announce that the Discernment Ministries CATALOG is now completely updated and posted online. This is the compilation of all of the informative resources available from Discernment Ministries. Click HERE to go to the homepage.Click HERE to go to the resources. This catalog is well-organized by date,…

Are You Mortified?

“So what is the answer? How can you stand your ground when you are weak and sensitive to pain, when people you love are still alive, when you are unprepared? “What do you need to make you stronger than the interrogator and the whole trap? “From the moment you go…

My Life In ‘THE WAY’

“At the time of my conversion, I had also dedicated over 13 years of my life to the martial arts. Through the literal sweat of my brow, I had achieved not one, but two coveted black belts, promoted that year to second degree–Sensei Nidan. I had studied under some internationally…

Emerging Evangelical Idolatry

A.D. 252 Afterwards, an honorable believing woman, called Cointha, or, as others call her, Quinta, was seized and brought into a temple of idols, and placed before these, in order to compel her to worship them. But when she recoiled with abhorrence from the idols, they tied her feet together,…


237 A.D. In the new Keysers Chronijk there is related a cruel and iniquitous deed perpetrated by Emperor Maximin on the Christians. The author says: The Christians were assembled in their churches or meeting places, praising their Saviour, when the Emperor sent forth his soldiers, and had all the churches…

Faith Enough

“…and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.” (1 John 5:4) “…God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.” (Romans 12:3b) Part 12: Preparations for Sufferings Sadly, many Christians have only heard about God’s gift of faith as a “name it and claim it”…

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