Discernment CATALOG

We are pleased to announce that the Discernment Ministries CATALOG is now completely updated and posted online. This is the compilation of all of the informative resources available from Discernment Ministries.

Click HERE to go to the homepage.
HERE to go to the resources.

This catalog is well-organized by date, topic and/or category. It represents the compilation of twenty-one years of Discernment research and conference materials. You’ll find plenty of enriching and informative materials available from our well-known conference speakers, friends, researchers, pastors and writers. Check our our LATEST MATERIALS page for new information.

Also now available are the CDs from our latest conference at Sun Valley Community Church in California. To order these contact the Discernment book office: 903 567-6423:

  • “A Great Revival? The myth of the ‘great revival'” – Lynn Leslie
  • “Apostasy: A great revival or a great falling away?” – Pastor Anton Bosch
  • “A form of godliness – Matthew 13:31; 47-52” – Pastor Anton Bosch
  • “Are you feeding at the trough?” – Sarah Leslie
  • “Living for Christ in Wicked and Adulterous Times” – Jewel Grewe

We pray that you will be blessed and strengthened in your faith by this wealth of information. For our online archive of newsletters, publications, articles and resource materials, please visit our main website at http://www.discernment-ministries.org/.