Herescope Blog

Restoring the Gospel of Salvation

Does not the salvation of sinners trump national restoration? An Editorial by Rev. Dr. Orrel Steinkamp There is a new virus going around. Its called Christian political war gaming. Once the virus strikes it becomes a near obsession. I know a number of people who don’t get enough sleep because…

Seven Mountains

Set To Go VIRAL “In the mid 90s the idea of societal transformation and social entrepreneurship began to emerge when Bob Buford, author of Halftime began to voice the need for social impact through one’s workplace call. Other groups like Pinnacle Forum, a ministry to key influencers and our own…

The Great Confluence

The Emergent New Apostolic Reformation Flowing into the New Age “If you’re a house churcher or emerging churcher (or baffled onlooker), what do you think of this confluence of HC [House Church] and EC [Emergent Church]?” – Mike Morrell, zoecarnate[1] The previous Herescope post looked at the big picture of…

The Other Side of Emergent:

The New Apostolic Reformation “Religious leadership must end its intellectual and imaginative failure to think through what it is doing in the light of the new emerging cosmology, which is hospitable to spirit-matter theories and mindbody experiences.” – Leonard Sweet[1] Today is the launching of a new book, co-authored by…

Bruce Waltke’s Comments Create Firestorm

Bruce Waltke is one of the most well-known Old Testament scholars in the Reformed tradition of this generation. Known by many as a conservative, his comments made in a recently-released 2009 interview may have created one of the most significant theological firestorms to sweep through the evangelical community in recent…

Two Gospels

As a sequel to the previous post by Pastor Anton Bosch on “Two Kingdoms,” readers are reminded of a past post that was published on February 9, 2008 titled “The Gospel of the Kingdom.” The “Two Kingdoms” each have their own gospel message. One is true and biblical. One is…

Two Kingdoms

“But God has a plan: ‘Go into the entire world, all its systems, its Mind-Molders and its Nations and infiltrate the world with My Power and Teachings. Don’t run and don’t hide. Go through the door of globalization–world economics–while it is yet day; while opportunity exists. Pentrate these nations and…

The Controlling Mythology Underlying the Dominion Mandate

“The first advent of Christ was for the purpose of creating a blessed seed upon the earth – the church. The second coming of Jesus will take place after this blessed seed has completed the Dominion Process upon the earth by making disciples of all nations.” Mark Pfeifer, “Theology of…

Mainstreaming Dominionism

“We are approaching a season of crisis, and in a season of crisis, the strategies of heaven must invade your sphere of authority. What does this mean? “You have been positioned by God in a particular sphere of authority…. “…My favorite definition of a sphere is ‘a circuit of action,…

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