Herescope Blog
Apostolic Dominionism

Apostolic Dominionism

King of the Mountain Exhibit 1* Several years ago, on August 20, 2007, C. Peter Wagner sent out a letter to his “friends of Global Harvest,” in which he shared the emerging structure of his New Apostolic Reformation. Exhibit 1, the graphic at the top of this post was attached…

Who Invented Dominionism?

Who Invented Dominionism?

That is the Question Dominion has to do with control. Dominion has to do with rulership. Dominion has to do with authority and subduing and it relates to society. In other words, what the values are in Heaven need to be made manifest here on earth. Dominion means being the…

Documenting Dominionism

Documenting Dominionism

Exhibit 1 “Our theological bedrock is what has been known as Dominion Theology. This means that our divine mandate is to do whatever is necessary, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to retake the dominion of God’s creation which Adam forfeited to Satan in the Garden of Eden. It…

Only Scripture

By Pastor Anton Bosch One of the non-negotiable essentials of orthodox Christianity has always been the completeness of Scripture. By completeness we mean that the Bible (66 books) is the complete and final revelation of God to man. Nothing is to be added to the Scriptures, nothing is to be…

Denying Dominionism

Denying Dominionism

Exhibit 1 “Dominionism? What Dominionism? I don’t see any Dominionism!” The Dominionism Cover-Up There is a considerable amount of backpeddling going on now that Dominionism has made the national news. A chorus of establishment media have stuck their heads into the sand are are blindly crying, “Dominionism? What dominionism? I…

C. Peter Wagner Spins the NAR,

C. Peter Wagner Spins the NAR,

Issues A Public Statement Post-denominational churches. The next church. New paradigm churches. They are all names that have been used to describe a new kind of church that is emerging at the close of the twentieth century and the dawn of the third millennium. The current reformation underway is not…

YOGA: Posture to Apostasy

Can yogic practices be integrated with the Christian faith? By Pastor Larry DeBruyn Whatever trend happens to be in vogue at a particular moment, Christians readily respond with a “Jesus approved” version. When dieting became the rage, Christian dieting shortly followed. As yoga gained popularity, Christian yoga started up. And…


Dance and Worship by Pastor Larry DeBruyn “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil.” Paul, 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22, KJV “It’s difficult to get people to come to church” said A.W. Tozer, “when the only attraction is God.” So churches now offer enticements.…

The Baal Covenant

Part 3: Divorcing Baal By Dr. Orrel Steinkamp Second American RevolutionBoston historically is known as the Cradle of Liberty—of freedom. The American Revolution was birthed here. More than a decade ago the Holy Spirit spoke to me about how “Every revolution is fought to establish new government. And the Lord…

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