Herescope Blog

The history of the “New Breed”

The term “New Breed” is not a benign term. It is a term with a frightening history. The fact that this term is still being used, and has been incorporated into teachings of the New Apostolic Reformation, is even more alarming. The history of this term demonstrates that it begins…

Rick Joyner: Africa and the NEW BREED

Rick Joyner was connected with the Kansas City Prophets group described in Friday’s Herescope post (2/3/06). He is one of the premier false prophets who operates on a global scale. A few years ago he issued a “prophecy” about the continent of Africa and its leaders, referring specifically to this…

The NEW BREED defined

The term “new breed” has particular significance in the Latter Rain cult and it may be slithering into the neoevangelical mainstream via the New Apostolic Reformation. This is one of the most offensive and heretical doctrines to ever be set forth. It teaches that there is a coming generation that…

Emergent NEW BREED Leaders

“It now appears that God is raising up a New Breed of leadership to do the ‘new thing.’ This NEW BREED will be young and fresh, with a pioneering spirit – whether chronologically young or old in age. Last year I had the opportunity to meet several young men whom…

Emergent Evolution

It is not easy to understand what the word “emergent” means. Superficially, the Webster’s Dictionary secular meaning of the word is “arising unexpectedly or as a new and improved development.” This word came to have significance in theories of evolution and was co-opted by the social scientists and Theosophists. The…

Emerging: from Tradition to Transition to Transformation

In order to understand the Leadership Network’s involvement with the formation of an Emergent Church movement, it is necessary to take a few posts to explain the bigger picture. There is a much broader historical and philosophical context in which to view this “paradigm shift” to an “emerging” church. Last…

Africa Watch Update: Missionaries told “not to minister the Word”!

We interrupt our series on how the Emergent Church was formed by the Leadership Network to bring an important update on Africa! We have been concerned for some time about the activities of Rick Warren and Bruce Wilkinson in Africa for a number of reasons. One of our concerns has…

The Leadership Network “Process” of Innovation

The past few days Herescope has been critiquing a 2001 report by Brad Smith, President of the Leadership Network in which he described the plans and purpose for the Terra Nova Project, which later became the Emergent Church. Today’s post contains new historical and philosophical material that sheds considerable light…

How small groups are “transformed”

The process of group dynamics is important to understand in the context of this current series of Herescope posts, which has focused on the evangelical post-modern paradigm shift envisioned and orchestrated by Leadership Network. Leadership Network focused much of their attention and energy on small group dynamics — a setting…

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