A “New Breed” for marketplace transformation

Who is this new breed being raised up in the earth? And how will they make a difference? Learn how you, equipped as you are, can you be a part of the radical army of dread champions now wielding the sword of the Lord and bringing judgment upon the kingdom of darkness!
Steve Shultz, The Elijah List Ministries, 2/08/06, endorsing “How to Become Part of God’s Army of Dread Champions”by Matt Sorger [http://tinyurl.com/b54jx]

“We are the ones to empower a new breed of people who will enthrone Jesus as Lord in the market place in Africa.” [http://tinyurl.com/7rja8]

The Elijah List Ministries, which is one of the media arms of the New Apostolic Reformation and chief promulgator of its doctrines, mentioned the doctrine of the “New Breed” just yesterday in the first quotation above. This radical doctrine of an emerging elite “new breed” of leader is, unfortunately, alive and well.

This series of posts which Herescope has been running these past few weeks has focused on this “New Breed” generation in the context of the Leadership Network, the Emergent Church, the New Apostolic Reformation. We have also taken note of the many new doctrines that coalesce around the “New Breed” heresy, giving it added impetus and credibility. It is not possible to separate the “New Breed” concept from its context which is rooted in the heresies of the Latter Rain cult which have now become embedded in the doctrines of the New Apostolic Reformation.

The “New Breed” of Leader is being applied to pastors, young leaders and also “marketplace transformation.” This marketplace ministry concept came into the greater evangelical church via the “Kansas City Prophets.” In the 1980s Mike Bickle and the other leaders were talking and writing about a “Joseph Company” that would arise “to help care for and feed the poor, especially in third world countries” (Grace City Report, Fall 1989). Through a series of conferences and cross-pollination with C. Peter Wagner et al, this has now become a premier doctrine of the New Apostolic Reformation.

“New Breed” and “marketplace” in Africa (in the second quote above) is found in the transcription of a tape posted at http://tinyurl.com/7rja8. This website is a representation of pure Latter Rain cult doctrine and contains references to former “Kansas City Prophet” Paul Cain. This article is entitled “Africa: Resource Control & The End-Time Harvest” and the speaker is not cited. The article is filled with Latter Rain heresies: a Melchizedek priesthood anointing prophets and apostles, an Elijah company of prophets, the Gospel of the Kingdom (dominionism), the 5-fold ministries, the manifestation of the sons of God, the Joshua generation, the power of prophetic declarations, and a Man-Child company.

The article presents arguments to justify bringing in New Apostolic Reformation-style marketplace transformation to Africa, particularly the argument of Western Imperialism. Citing Africa’s great wealth in natural resources which attracts greedy westerners as the crisis, the proposed solutions include: 1) engaging in the spiritual warfare antics of prayer marches, decrees, and “confronting the powers” (a C. Peter Wagner term) over territories; 2) setting up the new church structure of “apostles” and “prophets” for proper “alignment” and “order”; 3) mentoring leaders using the New Apostolic model; and 4) setting up “marketplace transformation.” Tragically, this speaker did not recognize that the solution to the crisis would bring in a whole new style of imperialism — a rabid new form of western Christian imperialism coming in the name of “marketplace transformation”! (See the article posted at Discernment Ministries website entitled “Dominionism and the Rise of Christian Imperialism.”)

The transcript positively references Gunnar Olson and his organization ICCC (International Christian Chamber of Commerce), one of the most radical dominionist marketplace organizations. Olson is connected to the Global Day of Prayer and Transformation Africa activities. He referred to the Joseph Company concept, calling it “The Joseph Calling” with references to marketplace transformation, in an interview with marketplace transformation leader Os Hillman posted at http://tinyurl.com/cxgdu. Olson is a member of the International Coalition of Apostles.

The Truth:

“And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you.” (1 Thessalonians 4:11)

Tomorrow: the stunning conclusion to this series on the “New Breed”. . . .