Herescope Blog
Fire from Heaven

Fire from Heaven

Part 3, Why is the Church Powerless? Part 1: Missing the Connection Part 2: Blessed are the Thirsty By Pastor Anton Bosch In the confrontation between Elijah and the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel we find a graphic demonstration of the difference between the true fire of God and…

Blessed are the Thirsty

Blessed are the Thirsty

Part 2, Why Is the Church Powerless?  Part 1: Missing the Connection “Ho, every one that thirsteth,come ye to the waters…” (Isaiah 55:1) By Pastor Anton Bosch In addition to the need for obedience and holiness, our attitude also affects whether or not the Lord will pour His Spirit on…

Technocracy, Transhumanism, Mythology, & Hollywood

Technocracy, Transhumanism, Mythology, & Hollywood

Discerning the Times Quantum Mysticism Conference 2012 Dr. Martin Erdmann has just posted four more videos online. These are four of the talks presented at the Discerning the Times Quantum Mysticism Conference in Niles, Michigan in June 2012 organized by Discernment Ministries. The first talk was Dr. Martin Erdmann,…

Who Goes There?

Who Goes There?

Encountering voices in contemplative prayer . . . An updated article by Pastor Larry DeBruyn*   “We are from God; he who knows God listens to us; he who is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of…

Why is the Church Powerless?

Why is the Church Powerless?

Missing the Connection By Pastor Anton Bosch Anyone who is half-honest will admit that the church of the 21st century is powerless when compared to the church in the first century and at other times of great blessing. The problem is that making such a statement is akin to saying…

Quantum Charismatics

Quantum Charismatics

Part 9: The Physics of Heaven* A Serial Book Review & Theological Interaction “The God Vibration” author Dan McCollam at School of the Prophets By Pastor Larry DeBruyn Review of Chapter 8 (authored by Dan McCollam) “The God Vibration”[1] All of creation is constantly resonating with the praises of God.…

The Cell Church

The Cell Church

The New Structure for the New Church for the New Millennium C. Peter Wagner’s original vision for hierarchical networks.[1] By Sarah H. Leslie Twenty years ago I began researching the networking hierarchical cell church structure that was beginning to emerge in the evangelical church. I gave two “Cell Church” talks.…

“Network of Networks”

“Network of Networks”

Networking for Global Peace “The Aquarian Conspiracy is… a network of many networks aimed at social transformation.”[1] “Rick Warren’s newly created Global PEACE Coalition… a plan of epic ambition, to turn at least half of the world’s tens of millions of Christian churches into a giant ‘network of networks’ dedicated…



Ten Years and Counting. . .  “When you sign a membership covenant, you are signing a legal document. Ask yourself if you were told that this is the case. If you were not told this, ask why you weren’t. In every other venue outside of a church, you would most…

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