Herescope Blog
NAR Apostles For “Social Justice”

NAR Apostles For “Social Justice”

Coalescing with Southern Baptists NAR “apostle” Cindy Jacobs telling “apostle” Samuel Rodriguez that “we are in the birth canal for a great awakening.” (Source) For years, we have marveled that Samuel Rodriguez, president of National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, has managed to maintain a reputation as some sort of a…

Mystical Experiences

Mystical Experiences

A Substitute for True Spirituality God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in Truth. (John 4:24, emphasis added) IHOP’s mystical young adult conference[1] Mysticism is a substitute for true spirituality, true Christianity. True Christianity is rooted in Truth, the Gospel of Salvation:…

Damnable Heresies

Damnable Heresies

A Word in Season 2 Peter 2:1-3, Commented upon by Matthew Henry (1662-1714) But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift…

Israel’s Last Battle in the Last Days

Israel’s Last Battle in the Last Days

Gog against God: An Exposition and Study of Ezekiel 38-39 By Pastor Larry DeBruyn For, lo, thine enemies [O God] make a tumult:and they that hate thee have lifted up the head.They have taken crafty counsel against thy people [Israel],and consulted against thy hidden ones.They have said, Come, and let…



Demystifying the Popular Prophecies About Jewish Sabbaths and Blood Moons A book review of Dave James’ timely new book Biblical Guide to the Shemitah and the Blood Moons: Discerning Popular “Prophecies” in the Light of God’s Word   By Gaylene Goodroad Dave James new book, published by Berean Call, 2015…

“The Energy Angel” and the Energy Crisis

“The Energy Angel” and the Energy Crisis

Part 10: The Physics of Heaven* A Serial Book Review & Theological Interaction Review of Chapter 9 (authored by Cal Pierce) “Angelic Encounters” [1] By Pastor Larry DeBruyn (Source) Several years ago, I began asking the Lord about the energy crisis. I knew there had to be a Kingdom answer…

The Absurd is Flooding…

The Absurd is Flooding…

 …Into Generic Evangelical Churches  An Editorial By Dr. Orrel Steinkamp* To illustrate this I draw attention to a real but an unnamed historical Pentecostal family tree Sunday school class. This class meets in a historic church in the USA and is filled with elderly believers. These believers have all been…

Wells Without Water

Wells Without Water

The Disastrous Effects of False Teachers But there were false prophets also among the people,even as there shall be false teachers among you,who privily shall bring in damnable heresies…. (2 Peter 2:1a) [The following article is excerpted and adapted from Matthew Henry’s Commentary on 2 Peter 2] In all ages…

Be Still . . .

Be Still . . .

…So You Can Be God?! Our Spiritual Adversary would have everyone believe that we are all “one” because God is “in” everyone and everything. Using every promotional means possible—including a creative and ingenious perversion of quantum physics—he is attempting to convince the world and the church that while Jesus was…

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