Technocracy & Transhumanism

Dr. Martin Erdmann to speak at Discernment Conference, April 8-9

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Martin Erdmann will be one of the presenters at the upcoming Discerning the Times Conference scheduled April 8-9 in Harrisburg, PA.

Dr. Erdmann’s two fascinating lecture topics are:

  1. The Hermetic View of Man as Magus: A Terrestrial God’s Destiny to Perfect Himself and Society
  2. More than Human: The Transhumanist Agenda of Transforming Humans into Posthumans

Dr. Erdmann, a long-time member of the Discernment Research Group, studied theology in Columbia/USA (Master of Divinity in Cross-cultural Communication and NT), Basel and Aberdeen/Scotland (Master of Theology in NT and Patristics). In 1999, he was awarded a doctoral degree in modern Church History at Brunel University, Uxbridge/England.

For four years he lectured in the NT department of the STH Basel (State-independent Theological Seminary). As a senior scientist he was involved in a research project (Clinical Nanomedicine) at the University Hospital in Basel for five years. From 2003 to 2010 he was Professor of Biblical Studies at Patrick Henry College, Virginia (distance education), and he was chairman of the NT Studies and modern Church History departments at the Academy for Reformation Theology for the past five years. In 2004 he became the founding director of the Verax Institute. Dr. Erdmann is married to Joy and has two children, Estelle Chérie and Johannes Luc.

Dr. Erdmann is the author of Building the Kingdom of God on Earth: The Churches’ Conribution to Marshal Public Support for World Order and Peace, 1919-1945 (Wipf & Stock, 2005), which is a classic historic work on the rise of Dominionism during the past century. “The Spiritualization of Science, Technology, and Education in a One-World Society” is the title of an important article he published in the European Journal of Nanomedicine (2009 Vol. 2:31-38) in conjunction with a European Nanomedicine Conference. Dr. Erdmann has also written “Creatures in Pursuit of Autonomous Perfection” published HERE.

Discerning the Times Conference
April 8-9, 2011
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania


Visit our conference webpage for registration details:
Registration deadline: March 25, 2011