Contentiously Contending!

New Book Release!

Back in 2007 this blog ran a series of messages by Pastor Anton Bosch on the topic of “contentiously contending.” We are pleased to announce that these messages have been published in a booklet. Pastor Bosch explains why he wrote these articles in his Foreword:

I wrote the articles in response to several decades of participation with, and observation of, many apologetic or discernment type ministries. While I see a great need for watchmen who will faithfully sound the alarm at the attacks of the enemy, I also see the need for those involved in this vital ministry to go about this work in a godly way. I am deeply concerned that many who involve themselves in these ministries do so for the wrong reasons and/or with the wrong attitude. In the process they cause more damage than the very error they are trying to correct.

My intention with these humble words is not to discredit or discourage those who sound the alarm, but to exhort such to use the right methods, with the right attitude. I also wish to warn those believers who have become aware of the great deception going on in the Church that a wrong attitude is just as erroneous as wrong doctrine. It does not help if we have our doctrine straight but our attitude does not accord with the Spirit of Christ.

Herescope readers who loved the series will be happy to know that they can now order this in a printed booklet format – for only $3.00 per copy! Order your copies at the Discernment Products Page (Books) HERE, or by phoning 903-567-6423.