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Christian leaders go on “expedition” with false prophets: Circa 2000

What has happened since the evangelical door was cracked open to let in a Theosophist 26 years ago? The floodgates have opened. Neoevangelicalism is now openly partying with the Theosophists and planning a new future.

In May 2000 Bob Buford’s Leadership Network sponsored a “Exploring Off the Map expedition into the 21st century. . . for the purpose of charting new maps.” This conference took 18 months to prepare and was a team-based experiential learning laboratory based on the Lewis and Clark expedition. 550 leaders and church leadership teams participated in this “relationship building” focused event. The rationale was said to be because “the world has changed significantly in the last five years and the old ministry maps are outdated. Because the culture has shifted. . . .”

Who was brought in to speak for such an event? An array of well-known business “gurus,” including some with extremely well-documented New Age credentials. Some of them are noted for playing both sides of the fence — acting like evangelicals when it suits, and other times hobnobbing with the most gilded Luciferians. These speakers were glowingly described:

“They [conference participants] were led on their journey by a team of Chief Scouts that included story teller/film producer Dayton Duncan, learning organization pioneer Peter Senge, experience economy experts James Pine and Jim Gilmore, consultant/teacher extraordinaoire James Collins, systems thinking/organizational pioneer Margaret Wheatley, world class observer/author Robert Kaplan, management and organizational behavioral leaders Marjorie and Ken Blanchard, and church historian/cultural maven Leonard Sweet.”

Each of these individuals can be individually researched on the Internet to see their New Age and/or Christian credentials. Let the reader be cautious! Internet searches on some of these names end up in the darkest depths of Luciferian Theosophy.

Peter Senge was called a “Prophet” by participant/leader Todd Hunter and was reported to have spoken “prophetically” even though he talked about Buddhism. Margaret Wheatley was also reported to have spoken “prophetically,” although her credentials are flagrantly un-Christian. The whole event was described as “prophetic.” False prophecy, perhaps, but not Biblical truth.

[Material for this report was gleaned from the following urls, some which may no longer be active:

The Truth:

“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clthing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits.” (Matthew 7:15-16a)

More to follow. . . .