Herescope Blog

“The ‘Secret’ Mission”

Part 3: The Doctrines of Dominionism “We now see that the Great Commission’s biblical goal is nothing short of social transformation.”–C. Peter Wagner, “Let’s Take Dominion Now!“ In a key series of articles, Christian discernment researcher Ed Tarkowski wrote concerning the new “Abrahamic Covenant” heresy that was being promulgated by…

Proposing “A New Theology”

Part 2: The Doctrines of Dominionism “We are on a journey now with that unfolding where… all that has been messed up through the Fall, all that has happened to try to get things off its path, it is on an assured, definitely assured, path of restoration — till we…

Against Error or For Truth?

Contentiously Contending: Part 6By Anton Bosch Over the past few weeks we have looked at the motives, manners and methods we need to employ if we are going to stand against error. But maybe the question we should have begun with was whether standing against error is, in fact, a…

As In Heaven, So On Earth

Part 1: The Doctrines of Dominionism “I am writing to you to share what I believe is a “NOW” word for every believer individually, but also the Church worldwide. I believe we stand right now on the brink of the greatest Kingdom Era that the Church has ever seen. .…

The Truth With Brokenness

Contentiously Contending: Part 5By Anton Bosch “The servant of the Lord should not strive, but be gentle, be apt to teach, patient and meek when dealing with those who oppose the truth” (2Timothy 2:23-26). This verse seems to contradict the fact that Jesus called the Pharisees a “brood of vipers”…

The Gospel Coalition’s Hodge Podge

Below is an analysis of by Dr. Martin Erdmann.Neo-Evangelicalism Re-Packaged In A “Broadly Reformed” Parcel The Gospel Coalition is the current attempt of “broadly reformed’ pastors and theologians to enter into a more formal relationship by establishing an institutional base called “The Gospel Coalition” to propagate their neo-Evangelical “Confessional…

Neo-Kuyperian Spheres

“These seven spheres of influence will help us shape societies for Christ.”– Loren Cunningham, Winning God’s Way, (YWAM, 1988), p. 134 Did Loren Cunningham and Bill Bright just happen to have corresponding spiritual experiences where God told them a new way to make disciples of all nations, as described in…

Seven Apostolic Spheres

“We all agree that the society to be transformed is not just one big conglomerate,but a unified whole that is made up of several vital pieces,each one of which must take its own path toward transformation.These segments of society should be seen as apostolic spheres.”–C. Peter Wagner, The Church in…

Contending With ATTITUDE

Have you been convicted, blessed and challenged by this series? We have! This topic has seldom been addressed in the evangelical world. Yet it is an important message for our day. The false apostles and prophets (not to mention Hollywood) would very much enjoy it if everyone in discernment/apologetics ministries…

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