Herescope Blog

Sufficient Grace

“For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.”(2 Timothy 4:6,7) Part 11: Preparations for Sufferings Do you have what it takes to finish the course?…

Fool’s Gold & Fairweather Faith

“He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.”(Mark 7:6) Part 10: Preparations for Sufferings In John Flavel’s writings,* especially his time-honored work “Preparation for Sufferings,”[1] we find…

“Into” the Mystery

On Musical Mediatrixes By Pastor Larry DeBruyn “But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us . . . seated us with Him in the heavenly places, in Christ Jesus . . .”(Ephesians 2:4-6) The Matrix: Though defying rational explanation, it is what…

The 6 Habits of Readiness

“How many would have heaven if they might have it upon their own terms! How few are willing to come up to God’s terms! How false and deceitful are our hearts! They will persuade us we have done all, when indeed we have done nothing, nor are prepared to do…

What Is Faith?

A Case Study of Rahab the Harlot By Pastor Larry DeBruyn [Note: We interrupt this series on “Preparations for Sufferings” to bring you this timely article just written by Pastor Larry DeBruyn. This article does a good job of setting the stage for the next article in our series.] Just…

The Necessity of Foresight

“Whoso keepeth the commandment shall feel no evil thing: and a wise man’s heart discerneth both time and judgment.” (Ecclesiastes 8:5) Part 8: Preparations for Sufferings John Flavel[1]* emphasizes the need for believers to exercise biblical discernment, an attribute which he calls “foresight.” This is not to be confused with…

People-Lovers or God-Pleasers?

[I]t is very remarkable that Christ dates the offence that men shall take at Him, from the first appearance of suffering, Mat. 24:8,10: “All these are the beginning of sorrows…. And then shall many be offended.” Sorrows and apostasies commence together. – John Flavel* “And blessed is he, whosoever shall…

Rest in the Day of Evil

It was a pleasantly cool Fall evening in 1976, just after dusk, the faint smell of burning leaves in the air. The young man and Pastor Rollie Leeman had just finished a wonderful meal and were sitting in the living room of the parsonage talking. Pastor Leeman began sharing the…

Why God Warns

Our Mother who is within uswe celebrate your many names.Your wisdom come.Your will be done,…. Re-imaging God is very Lutheran….…Images of the Goddess help to break the hold of “male control” that has shaped our images not only of God, but of all significant power in the universe. –Quotations found…

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