Herescope Blog
BILL JOHNSON: Squandering Our Spiritual Inheritance

BILL JOHNSON: Squandering Our Spiritual Inheritance

Part 5: The Physics of Heaven: A Serial Book Review & Theological Interaction Read Part 1: “The Physics of Heaven”Read Part 2: “The Power of the Zero-Point Field”Read Sidebar: “Jesus’ Lesser Works” Read Part 3: “Extracting the Precious From the Worthless” Read Part 4: “Vibrating in Harmony With God” Bill…

“A Time to Speak”

“a time to keep silence, and a time to speak” (Ecclesiastes 3:7b) It has been ten years since the Herescope blog was first launched in the Fall of 2005. 832 posts later, we are still writing and publishing, but only by God’s grace. How much longer we can do this…

Faith & Repentance

Faith & Repentance

A Much Neglected Subject  By Professor Johan Malan, Mossel Bay, South Africa In the New Testament doctrine on salvation there is a mutual relationship between the concepts of “faith in Christ” and “repentance.” If we truly believe in Christ, repenting from our evil and selfish ways is inevitable. If we…

Good Tidings!

Good Tidings!

“The Gospel of the grace of God.” (Acts 20:24) What does the word “Gospel” signify? Its literal meaning is either “God’s word” or message, or rather, “good news,” or “good tidings,” which is more agreeable to the original. But if it be “good news,” it must be good news of…

How To Keep Yourself from Being Deceived

How To Keep Yourself from Being Deceived

About End-Times Events  By Patrick Wood There are a number of well-known ministry leaders who are creating a large measure of confusion and fear among Bible-believing Christians regarding events that might take place in the “end days” that precede the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. There are primarily two points…

God’s Present of His Presence

God’s Present of His Presence

Now posted online! Pastor Larry DeBruyn has revised and expanded his original article and given it the new title God’s Present of His Presence. This article was originally published on Herescope on December 31, 2013, titled The Present of “His Presence”. The article has now been posted as a downloadable…

“Vibrating in Harmony With God”

“Vibrating in Harmony With God”

Part 4: The Physics of Heaven: A Serial Book Review & Theological Interaction Read Part 1: “The Physics of Heaven”Read Part 2: “The Power of the Zero-Point Field”Read Sidebar: “Jesus’ Lesser Works” Read Part 3: “Extracting the Precious From the Worthless” Bob Jones’ website depicting “Holy Spirit Overshadows the Church”…

“Extracting the Precious From the Worthless”

“Extracting the Precious From the Worthless”

Part 3: The Physics of Heaven: A Serial Book Review & Theological Interaction Read Part 1: “The Physics of Heaven” Read Part 2: “The Power of the Zero-Point Field” Read Sidebar: “Jesus’ Lesser Works“ [Ed. Note: The following article is part of an in-depth review by Pastor Larry DeBruyn of…

Transhumanism: A Posthuman Paradigm Shift?

Transhumanism: A Posthuman Paradigm Shift?

End-Time Scenarios of the New Alchemists “But is now made manifestby the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ,Who hath abolished death,and hath brought lifeand immortalityto light through the Gospel.”(2 Tim. 1:10) Graphic taken from the Optimal Human Modulation website[1] THE RESURRECTION OF ANCIENT ALCHEMY  Since Satan’s great fall, man too…

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