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Four Items of Interest

News announcements from Discernment Ministries

As cold waters to a thirsty soul,
so is good news from a far country.

(Proverbs 25:25)

Dr. Martin Erdmann Interview:  Dr. Martin Erdmann, Professor of Philosophy at North Greenville University, Director of the Verax Institute in Greer, South Carolina, and member of the Discernment Research Group recently was featured on a podcast interview. He spoke about his meticulously-researched book, Building the Kingdom of God on Earth and explained how elitist internationalists exploited the liberal Christian Ecumenical Movement in the early 20th century in order to propagandize the American population with the message of a technocratic New World Order. He also discussed current manifestations of this strategy within modern evangelicalism. To listen to this interview, visit HERE.

Discernment Ministries Newsletters online: Discernment Ministries began publishing a newsletter back in 1990. Most all of the issues are published online, although a few may be missing. We recently began a lengthy process of describing the contents of each issue. So visit our newsletter webpage http://www.discernment-ministries.org/newsletters.html and scan the compendium of articles. You will find this much more useful for researching topics. Check back often as this is a work in progress.

Warren Smith informs us that his website http://www.mountainstreampress.org is now back online. On the main page you can watch his DVD Standing Fast in the Last Days and listen to Warren’s interview with Chuck Smith on the Pastor’s Perspective show, 1/23/08. Warren has written extensively on the subject of spiritual deception and has spoken on radio, television, and at numerous seminars and conferences. Many of his articles have been published on Herescope. His books include The Light That Was Dark: From the New Age to Amazing Grace, Deceived on Purpose: The New Age Implications of the Purpose-Driven Church, and A “Wonderful” Deception: The Further New Age Implications of the Emerging Purpose Driven Movement. His most recent book, False Christ Coming: Does Anybody Care?: What New Age Leaders Really Have in Store for America, the Church and the World was released in February 2011.

Pastor Anton Bosch, who serves on the Board of Directors for Discernment Ministries, will be part of another live online interview on Tuesday, April 16. Go HERE and follow the instructions to register to listen in. In addition to his pastoral duties Anton trains pastors in various parts of Africa and is currently in the process of developing a Bible School in Zimbabwe which now has 200 students. He is the author of Building Blocks of the Church: Re-examining the Basics and the booklet Contentiously Contending. His articles are published on countless websites across the world, including Herescope, and some of these have become classics. For more information see his website: http://www.antonbosch.com.