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Todd Bentley & the Beautiful Side of Evil

Berit Kjos has a new article posted on her website www.crossroad.to which analyzes Todd Bentley’s Florida “revival” in a fascinating new light. Below is an excerpt:

What’s driving Todd Bentley? Why do thousands of people flock to his revival meetings?…

Back in the eighties I read The Beautiful Side of Evil by Johanna Michaelsen. For many years she was caught up in the occult, yet she believed that the “angels” who reached out to her were servants of God, not Satan. One of those “angels” sounds strangely similar to Bentley’s “floating” angel, Emma:

“[She was] beautiful with flowing hair and robes of shimmering dark blue spangled with tiny stars…. She took me by the shoulders and gently kissed me on the forehead…. ‘Welcome, my child,’ she said. Then she turned and floated back through the wall as she had come. I have never experienced such joy, such light and peace, such unspeakable ecstasy. I was on the right path at last.”[2,p.83]

No, she was tricked! Masquerading as an “angel of light,” Satan used her feel-good experiences to deepen the deception. Through those painful years, Johanna’s “fellowship” with demons brought her indescribable depression and despair. The enchanting moments of light were fleeting, while fear and confusion darkened her days. She would continue to suffer under that cruel master until God set her free. . . .

Be sure to read the full article, “Angels or Demons? Todd Bentley and “The Beautiful Side of Evil”* posted HERE.

The Truth:

“Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace;” (Hebrews 13:9a)

*Article excerpt used with permission