Warren & Wilkinson in Africa: addendum to today’s post

Since posting a few hours ago, the Discernment Research Group has had time to cull back through old files pertaining to the extensive interconnections between Bruce Wilkinson and Rick Warren in Africa. Not all Internet records have been scoured and expunged. For those Herescope readers who are interested in this topic, the following urls are live links that provide a snapshot to a time when the two men were partners in their African endeavors.

http://tinyurl.com/7nrsu This is the original Christianity Today article, “Mr. Jabez Goes to Africa: Bruce Wilkinson expands his borders to include racial reconciliation and HIV/AIDS,” by Timothy C. Morgan, posted 10/17/2003, which relates Wilkinson’s lunch and activities with Rick Warren, including Wilkinson’s involvement in “Transformation Namibia,” connected with Graham Power’s “Transformation Africa,” a dominionist prayer movement that gave rise to the Global Day of Prayer event.

http://tinyurl.com/cq5cs An E-NEWSLETTER, Issue 43.1 Wednesday 30th April 2003, from Port Elizabeth Church Net, which in addition to advertising the Transformation Day of Prayer (May 1, 2003 — a percursor to the Global Day of Prayer), also promoted ” TURN THE TIDE IN PORT ELIZABETH: Transforming nations through satellite bible teaching,” 2nd – 6th May 2003 in Port Elizabethat Kabega Full Gospel Church. . . .” It went on to note that:

“Turn the Tide is partnering with churches and other movements to fulfill their purpose of discipling the nations of Africa. Join us as we pursue the largest ever training event in Africa. Connect with us as we broadcast live via satellite links to registered sites all over Africa, utilising the existing DStv infrastructure. Speakers include Dr Bruce Wilkinson (author of The Prayer of Jabez), Rick Warren (The Purpose Driven Church), and David and Mamikie Malopo.” [emphasis added]

[See the May/June Discernment Ministries newsletter for more information on these linkages with the Global Day of Prayer: http://www.discernment-ministries.org/NLMayJune_2005.htm]

http://tinyurl.com/8occr also describes this “Turn the Tide: transforming nations through satellite teaching” event with Rick and Kay Warren and Bruce and Darlene Wilkinson.

http://tinyurl.com/9nw3g Walk Thru the Bible Southern Africa has been a distribution network for purpose-driven materials. The website says: “Walk Thru the Bible co-ordinates of the Purpose Driven Ministry in the southern Africa. It is also a distributor of the accompanying life-changing resources.”

http://tinyurl.com/7st2h An article posted on BeliefNet, “Jabez’ Author Leaving Walk Thru the Bible,” by Gayle White, Cox News Service, Atlanta, dated Feb. 19, 2002 which indicates that Bruce Wilkinson continued an on-going relationship with Walk Thru the Bible. Paul Johnson, chairman of the organization, is quoted as saying, “We will enjoy a continuing affiliation with Bruce, as he continues to produce high-quality Bible-teaching materials.”

http://tinyurl.com/bsl2l Walk Thru the Bible’s Vice President gave a report, “My, look how much you have grown,” describing their distribution partnership with Purpose-Driven Ministries and other organizations active in African “transformation.” (Also note the sidebar’s description of WTTB’s relationship with Purpose-Driven Ministries in Brazil.)

“That brings us to my third trip near the end of 2003. I thought I knew what to expect, but nothing could have prepared me for what I actually experienced. The ministry in South Africa had outgrown the small church that let us share its facility for years. The new headquarters is a beehive of activity where over 20 employees distribute materials not only for Walk Thru the Bible, but for Purpose-Driven Ministries, Equip, Global Vision Resources, and several other strategic partners.”

http://tinyurl.com/c9wwu The Association for Christian Broadcasters in Africa, reported on September 13, 2003, “As from August 2003, ACB member, Walk Thru the Bible has been appointed as the official Purpose Driven representative in Southern Africa.”