Herescope Blog
Spiritual Seduction

Spiritual Seduction

Videos are now posted online about the Postmodern Prophecy Paradigm that we have been writing about the past few years on this blog.  Several months ago Dr. Martin Erdmann of the Verax Institute, and a member of our Discernment Research Group, filmed interviews with Pastor Larry DeBruyn, Gaylene Goodroad and…

That Wicked Be Revealed

That Wicked Be Revealed

Part 3: Bible Prophecy, Circa 1600 Excerpted and adapted from Matthew Poole’s Commentary on 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12*Read Part 1  Read Part 2 For many decades the evangelical world has been caught up in trying to figure it out: who is the antichrist? Multitudes of books have sold, all purporting to…

The Peer-Driven Church

The Peer-Driven Church

To watch this video, click on this link: “Woe unto them that call evil good,  and good evil;  that put darkness for light,and light for darkness;that put bitter for sweet,and sweet for bitter! (Isaiah 5:20) Peer Pressure is the easiest way to manipulate people. This piece of comedy satire in…

“Let no man deceive you…”

“Let no man deceive you…”

Bible Prophecy, Circa 1600 Excerpted and adapted from Matthew Poole’s Commentary on 2 Thessalonians 2:3-7* Read Part 1 When this commentary was written The Reformation was in its earlier years. There was much speculation about the popes being the antichrist (or, at least, antichrists). Poole himself indulges in some of…

Bible Prophecy, Circa 1600

“The Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” Excerpted and adapted from Matthew Poole’s Commentary on 2 Thessalonians 2:1,2* VERSE 1: “Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto Him,”  The Apostle Paul now comes to refute the opinion that…

Bible Prophecy, Circa 1911

Bible Prophecy, Circa 1911

Another Old Biblical Prophecy  This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians…. In that night was Belshazzar the king…

A Recurrence of the Times of Noah and Lot

A Recurrence of the Times of Noah and Lot

Old Biblical Prophecy Note to reader: The article below is an example of what evangelical prophecy leaders and organizations used to teach 20-40 years ago. Not so long ago, before the postmodern prophecy paradigm era, this sort of article was commonplace. Writings such as this served as an encouragement to…

Evolution & the New Age Movement

Evolution & the New Age Movement

How Eastern Mysticism Promulgated Evolution  Over the past several decades America has undergone a profound transformation from a culture that was primarily Christian to one that is now largely pagan. One of the primary reasons for this change has been the widening influence of Eastern mysticism. A central tenet of…

This is Discipleship

Part 2 Read Part 1: This is not Discipleship By Pastor Anton Bosch Many techniques, programs and systems in the modern church are mistaken as discipleship. While those techniques may contain elements of discipleship, they are not the authentic thing. (See Part 1: “This is not Discipleship.”) This obviously begs…

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