Herescope Is Back!

What happened to us? The Herescope blog was set up on the Google Blogger platform in 2005 and over the years we have published over a thousand posts. Google has changed, and not for the better. In July of 2023, we discovered that an old 2010 article by the late Pastor Larry DeBruyn was “unpublished” […]


Part 7B of Fake Awaken     Read Part 7A: Fake Awaken FAKE PROPHETS article series Read Part 1: The White Lab Coats Read Part 2: The Fishbowl  Part 3: Fake Normal Part 4: Fake Choice Part 5: Fake Enforcers Part 6: Fake Fear     The original Reopen America Tour By Sarah Leslie* & Gaylene […]


Part 7 of Fake Prophets       Part A: The ReAwaken America Tour:     Invoking Dead Fal$e Prophet$ to Ca$h in on Patrioti$m     During A Cri$i$   Read Part 1: The White Lab Coats Read Part 2: The Fishbowl Read Part 3: Fake Normal Read Part 4: Fake Choice Read Part 5: Fake Enforcers […]

Fake Fear

Part 6 of Fake Prophets   Read Part 1: The White Lab Coats Read Part 2: The Fishbowl Read Part 3: Fake Normal Read Part 4: Fake Choice Read Part 5: Fake Enforcers   By Sarah H. Leslie    “Courage is the same pathway as fear in the brain.”    In the early months of […]


Part 5 of Fake Prophets   Read Part 1: The White Lab Coats Read Part 2: The Fishbowl Read Part 3: Fake Normal Read Part 4: Fake Choice “In the twilight, in the evening, in the black and dark night:…” (Proverbs 7:9) Exhibit 1 By Sarah Huling Leslie Personal Testimony Late in his life my […]

“No New Thing Under the Sun”

New Herescope Archive Hosts Old Articles   “To whom shall I speak,and give warning,that they may hear?…” (Jeremiah 6:10a)   There is a treasure trove of articles, some published before Herescope was a blog, that will soon become accessible on the Internet. This is thanks to Sandy Simpson over at Deception in the Church who […]


Part 4 of Fake Prophets Read Part 1: The White Lab Coats Read Part 2: The Fishbowl Read Part 3: Fake Normal       “Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?” […]


Part 3 of Fake Prophets    Read Part 1: The White Lab Coats  Read Part 2: The Fishbowl    “And [Jesus] said unto them, ‘Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?’” (Mark 4:40)    “…Elisha said, ‘LORD, open the eyes of these men, that they may see.’…” (2 Kings […]

The Fishbowl

Part 2 of Fake Prophets  Read Part 1: The White Lab Coats Exhibit 1 “Thou shalt not raise a false report:… Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil,…” (Exodus 23:1a, 2a)    By Sarah H. Leslie   The Fake Religion Fifty years ago I encountered a new false religion. I’d already been involved […]

Fake Prophets

Part 1: The White Lab Coats “…FAKE prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.” (Mark 13:22) Exhibit A: Synonyms for fake   ψευδοπροφήτης pseudoprophḗtēs, from G5571 and G4396; a spurious prophet, i.e. pretended foreteller or religious impostor:—false prophet.[1] By Sarah H. Leslie Christians tend […]