Month: November 2005

The Heresy of Entertainment

Below is an excellent quotation from A.W. Tozer that fits modern evangelicaldom perfectly, particularly the CBN-style glitz, glitter and glamour. “Let the word of Christ

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The Rich, Poor Church

In these days of the widespread promotion of megachurches, Christians can easily lose sight of what Scripture says on the topic. On today’s Thanksgiving holiday,

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The Real Purpose

The remainder of this holiday week Herescope will post devotionals which effectively refute modern-day heresies. May these devotionals be a blessing to you. Pertaining to

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Peter Drucker’s Theology of Works

On November 18, 2005 in The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Leslie Lenkowsky wrote an article entitled “Drucker’s Contributions to Nonprofit Management” ( This article highlights management

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