Eastern Meditation as the Universal Cure-All “For You have abandoned Your people,the house of Jacob, Because they are filled withinfluences from the east….” (Isaiah 2:6) The Beatles with the Maharishi in 1967[1] By Gaylene Goodroad* BEATLEMANIA AND EASTERN MYSTICISM When the Beatles helped to bring Transcendental Meditation (TM) into vogue in the 1960s, few could […]

The Great Global “Gaia” Conference of 1993

The 1993 Parliament of the World’s Religions  Opening photograph found in a vintage copy of The World’s Parliament of Religions (Chicago: The Parliament Publishing Co., 1893).Photo also at and On Tuesday, October 20 we published a report HERE by Lanette Irwin who attended the 2015 Parliament of the World’s Religions that was held […]

The Importance of the Rational Mind

…[The devil] was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth,because there is no truth in him…. (John 8:44) Many Christians are hearing that they must shut down their rational mind in order to be “more spiritual.” But, this isn’t what Scripture says.  Scripture says that man’s sinful nature rules his carnal […]

Parliament of the World’s Religions 2015

An Eyewitness Account By Lanette Irwin Participants lined up nearly a quarter mile to hear speakers at the World Parliament of Religions on opening day. The 2015 Parliament of the World’s Religions was held October 15-19 in Salt Lake City, Utah. They estimated over fourteen thousand people attended this New Age (now called “interfaith”) convention […]

The Five Wonders of the Gospel

The Truth Proclaimed By Johan Malan Mossel Bay, South Africa (October 2015)  Scripture reading: “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God so loved the world that He gave […]

NAR Apostles For “Social Justice”

Coalescing with Southern Baptists NAR “apostle” Cindy Jacobs telling “apostle” Samuel Rodriguez that “we are in the birth canal for a great awakening.” (Source) For years, we have marveled that Samuel Rodriguez, president of National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, has managed to maintain a reputation as some sort of a moderate conservative evangelical leader while, […]

Mystical Experiences

A Substitute for True Spirituality God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in Truth. (John 4:24, emphasis added) IHOP’s mystical young adult conference[1] Mysticism is a substitute for true spirituality, true Christianity. True Christianity is rooted in Truth, the Gospel of Salvation: Jesus is “the Way, the […]

Damnable Heresies

A Word in Season 2 Peter 2:1-3, Commented upon by Matthew Henry (1662-1714) But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. (2 Peter 2:1) In […]

Israel’s Last Battle in the Last Days

Gog against God: An Exposition and Study of Ezekiel 38-39 By Pastor Larry DeBruyn For, lo, thine enemies [O God] make a tumult:and they that hate thee have lifted up the head.They have taken crafty counsel against thy people [Israel],and consulted against thy hidden ones.They have said, Come, and let us cut them offfrom being […]


Demystifying the Popular Prophecies About Jewish Sabbaths and Blood Moons A book review of Dave James’ timely new book Biblical Guide to the Shemitah and the Blood Moons: Discerning Popular “Prophecies” in the Light of God’s Word   By Gaylene Goodroad Dave James new book, published by Berean Call, 2015 The book, The Mystery of […]